
Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters As Coronation Street and Hollyoaks actress Stephanie Davis announces to OK! that she's 16 weeks pregnant, she reveals the scary journey she's been on to get to this happy point. After suffering a miscarriage in 2022 , her and her partner Joe McKalroy continued to try to get pregnant again for another two years and were about to embark on IVF when Steph fell pregnant naturally. But it wasn't all plain sailing, she reveals in our exclusive chat , and worrying tests results in the early stages led doctors to warn her that she was possibly going to suffer another miscarriage.

“The doctor said he believed I was having another miscarriage – or an ectopic pregnancy," she shares. "But I wasn’t having it, I had this strong gut feeling that it was all going to be okay.” Steph's blood tests showed her HCG levels (the pregnancy hormone that roughly doubles every 72 hours before reaching its peak in around eight to 11 weeks of pregnancy) were far too low and not doubling as they should do in a healthy pregnancy.

Despite the grim prognosis, a few days later the couple received a call from the medical team telling them her latest results - her levels had tripled. "“We went for a scan and saw our little bean on the screen," Steph says. "It was amazing.

" The good news meant the couple could finally share the news with Steph's son from a previous relationship, seven-year-old Caben , who Steph has previously said shares an incredible bond with Joe. The youngster, who learned he was going to be a big brother during a family holiday to Majorca, is already being "super protective" over his mum and little brother-to-be. “He was adorable," Steph says.

"We took a video, and it’s so cute watching a little seven-year-old process that he’s getting a sibling. He points at me and goes, ‘Is that why you’ve got a lump in your tummy?’ It was just beautiful, the three of us on the beach.” It was also Caben who popped the balloon during the couple's gender reveal - sending a stream of blue into the air! Joe, who met Steph at a therapy group following his brother's death, is understandably now fielding questions about when he plans to pop the question to his actress partner.

”It’s 100% going to happen, but I think we’ll have this baby first,” he tells us, before adding: "But wherever we do it – home or abroad – we just want close family and friends. It’s all about the people.".

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