It’s been 9 years since Balika Vadhu actor was found dead at her home in a suspected case of suicide due to stress in her relationship with her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh. The latter has now come forward, armed with shocking allegations against television star Kamya Punjabi, who claimed that Rahul killed Pratyusha. Pratyusha Banerjee's ex-BF slams Kamya Punjabi Speaking to Subhojit Ghosh, shared that Kamya Punjabi spread the rumours of him being the murderer after Pratyusha’s alleged suicide.
The narrative was fueled by Vikas Gupta and Rakhi Sawant. He stated, “They said that Rahul had murdered Pratyusha. That’s what I saw in their media interviews.
They claimed that Pratyusha had no financial burden, she wasn’t out of work. Vikas Gupta did not offer work to Pratyusha ever but made such statements.” ‘Kamya Punjabi used to party a lot’ He continued, “I did not know Kamya.
Pratyusha introduced me to her once at a party. Kamya was totally high. Pratyusha had given some money to Kamya around Rs 2 – Rs 2.
5 lakh and she asked Kamya to return it. said she had no work and promised to return later.” “They used to drink a lot.
I always wanted Pratyusha to stop drinking. Her friends used to party a lot. She knew that I was asking her to stop drinking for her benefit and therefore, she stopped going to such parties.
That’s why I became a villain for them. They thought I was taking away Pratyusha from them. Kamya used to party a lot, everyone knows,” added Rahul.