
Postpartum Recovery Tips: Here are the top 8 tips from an expert to support post-delivery physical and mental health problems. Starting from the process of ovulation, fertilization, implantation, the appearance of the first heartbeat, the development of the baby, physical changes in pregnancy, emotional changes in pregnancy, and the process of labour, till childbirth, any woman confronts many changes in body and mind. The postpartum period is defined as a period of six weeks from the birth of a child.

The early postpartum period is the first week after childbirth. The early postpartum period is very dynamic with changes in both body and also mind as compared to the late postpartum period. The postpartum period involves many risks like postpartum haemorrhage, perineal trauma, Central and venous sinus thrombosis, eclampsia, anaemia etc.

It also involves the risk of postpartum depression. Postpartum Recovery: What You Should Do To Support A New Mom? During the early postpartum period, the lady, partner, family members, doctor and team should take care of the diet of the pregnant woman. The diet should include a high-protein diet with plenty of liquids, vitamins, and minerals.

Diet pattern usually changes regionwise, it should consist of a balanced diet with plenty of liquids. During the early postpartum period, the recovery of the body is at a faster pace. There are many changes which are taking place such as the adjustment of body fluids in different compartments like intravasc.

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