
Do you ever feel like you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and everything that day just went downhill from there? That is the power of negative attitude - it can suck the energy out of you and set a tone that affects your entire day. A bad attitude is the biggest disability. Think of a bright glowing orb; this represents your aura and vitality.

Now, picture a grey spot tainting this ball of light, slowly spreading to cover the entirety of the orb. That’s how negativity creeps up on the best of us, taking us off-guard. When you ignore the small spot, it can quickly grow into bigger, heavier emotions that are hard to process.

When you hold on to negative emotions like anger, resentment, or hatred, your body responds by releasing stress hormones like cortisol. This can lead to increased blood pressure, weakened immune response, and even digestive or gut issues. This constant state of stress not only makes you feel drained but also sets the theme for more serious health problems.

When we coach our patients, we see that their attitude is as important (if not more) as their medication and treatment. We see cases where patients recover and heal from diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases to skin, hair, or obesity issues. Alternatively, we also see the same conditions in many, that have little or no progress.

The conditions are the same, the symptoms are the same, and the team is the same. However, if the attitude and cooperation of the patient are poor, healing and recovery practices that work for many may fail. Think about it – 100 women with ER-positive breast cancer, at the same stage, getting the same number and type of chemo cycles from the same doctor, and you can have 100 different results.

Why? Firstly, because everyone is a unique individual, secondly, it’s the patient’s mindset and attitude that makes all the difference. It’s crucial to recognise that while negative attitudes can attract hardship, they can be changed, paving the way for more positive experiences. Even before food and exercise plans are designed for that patient, it’s the attitude and mindset that need correction.

Even the best food plan or yoga regime can fail if the patient has the wrong mindset. In some cases, it is the only thing a person needs to change to feel better. Here’s a practical exercise for those who need a nudge to step into a brighter place: Negativity is like a foggy mirror.

It blurs out the good and hence makes everything feel generally miserable. In reality, you have several things to be grateful for – obscured behind dark thoughts. All you need to do is wipe the fog to see clearly again! Write down 3 things that you are grateful for.

All you need to do is take a deep breath, reach for memories of happier times, and start counting your blessings. You’ll notice that remembrance is also a powerful tool to bring about a spark of gratitude and happiness. Just as easy it is to ruminate on negative thoughts, now you can train your mind to reflect on the good.

Whatever your reasons are, nurturing a space of negativity not only affects your mindset; it bleeds into your health, relationships, and profession. Take the step to be brave, face your fears, and acknowledge them for what they are – past experiences, anxieties, and ruminating thoughts. Breaking free requires awareness and deliberate effort, but the rewards - a lighter, more positive outlook - are well worth it.

By understanding this cycle, we can begin to shift our perspectives. Your attitude will determine your day, health, relationships, achievements, and overall feelings..

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