
Medical tourism -- the practice of travelling to another country for medical care -- has grown exponentially in recent years. This trend is driven by several factors including cost savings, shorter waiting times and the availability of high-quality medical care. Countries, like India, have become popular destinations for medical tourists from developed nations such as the US and UK.

These tourists seek treatments that are often expensive or delayed in their home countries. Goa is now poised to become a significant player in this burgeoning industry. Here are some advantages of medical tourism in Goa.

1. COST-EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS One of the primary reasons why patients opt for medical tourism is cost savings. Medical treatments in India, including Goa, are significantly cheaper than in Western countries.

For example, a heart valve operation that might cost $1,00,000 in the US can be performed for less than $10,000 in India. This substantial difference in cost makes Goa an attractive destination for medical tourists looking for affordable, yet high-quality, healthcare . 2.

HIGH-QUALITY MEDICAL CARE Goa boasts of several world-class hospitals and medical facilities, such as the Victor Hospital in Margao . This hospital is the first super-speciality, multi-speciality, tertiary care hospital in the state, offering a wide range of treatments including orthopaedic surgeries, neurosurgery, cosmetic surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology and other surgeries. These facilities are equipped w.

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