
The fourth and final day of His Holiness Pope Francis in Papua New Guinea was spent at the Sir John Guise Stadium meeting the youths before he departed to Dili in Timor Leste. Over 10 thousand youths gathered at the stadium as early as 6am in the morning and started the event with prayers, praise and worship. His Holiness Pope Francis gave a very inspiring message to the youths, he highlighted that people are meant to have good relationships and communicate each other.

Pope Francis said people need a “language that unites us and not divides us. In his message today, he spoke about the Language of Love. “This unifying language is suggested to be Love, Friendship, and Openness to new experiences.

He said the opposite of Love is indifference and its presented as worse than hatred. He defined indifference as not caring about others and focusing only on oneself. His Holiness added that young people are encouraged to take care of others, build friendships, and connect with elders.

“In life, we all fall down despite whatever age group we are in but you can not stay down, you must always get back up. And if you see someone down, you must not kick them but help pick them up,” says Pope Francis. His Holiness had thanked the Youths and the country for the joy and for recounting the beauty of Papua New Guinea, where the ocean meets the sky, where dreams are born and challenges vanish.

“Above all, thank you for setting before all of us a hopeful desire to face the future with smiles of hope.” Before he departed, he told the youths that he will pray for them and the country and also asks the youths to pray for him..

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