
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — announced Monday he is appointing Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence Richard Henning as the new archbishop of Boston.

Henning, 59, will replace Cardinal Sean O’Malley, one of the most prominent prelates in the United States and a close ally of Pope Francis. O’Malley, 80, at one time served as bishop of Fall River, where he dealt with the fallout from the sex abuse crisis. Archbishop-elect Henning will be formally introduced by O’Malley at a 10 a.

m. press conference. Henning’s appointment comes as a surprise since he was only appointed bishop of Providence just last year.

He succeeded Bishop Thomas Tobin, who had been in the position since 2005. “Over the last two years, you may have noticed that I usually have something to say. I regret that in this instance, I do not feel that I can find the words to express my sorrow in leaving the Church of Providence,” Henning said in a statement.

“In so many ways and moments, you have welcomed me into your churches, homes, and hearts. Your resilience in the face of challenges, your commitment to family and community, and your abiding faith in Jesus have lifted me and taught me. I am ever in your debt.

“When I arrived in Rhode Island, I spoke about my delight in the state motto and the fact that I would now live in a state of hope,” he continued. “Having now visited communities across Rhode Island, I say with great certainty that it is you, the people of this beautiful state – you are that hope! I will never cease to pray for you, and I hope for your prayers for me.” It’s unclear who will replace Henning in the Providence diocese.

The Rev. Msgr. Albert Kenney currently serves as the diocese’s vicar general and could be asked to lead the church locally until Henning’s permanent successor is named.

Henning will remain as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Providence until he takes office as Archbishop of Boston on Thursday, October 31..

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