
Popular Kenyan celebrity couple Ben Cyco and wife Wanjiru Njiru have announced the birth of their first child. The couple took to Instagram to share the joyous news over the weekend, with Ben posting touching photos of himself cradling their newborn in the hospital. He expressed his overwhelming gratitude, writing, “I really have no words to express my gratitude.

All I can say is may the God who answered my prayers answer you as well in whatever you are trusting Him for.” Wanjiru echoed his excitement, captioning her own photos with, “Life has changed forever! So blessed.” This milestone marks a new chapter in their relationship, which has been both celebrated and challenged over the years.

The couple, who have been married for two years, previously shared intimate details about their journey to becoming parents and the miscarriage of their first pregnancy. READ MORE: Ben Cyco and Wanjiru are also well-known for their collaborative work as content creators, especially through their popular podcast, “The Joyride,” where they discuss various aspects of their relationship and experiences. 0 SHARES Share Tweet.

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