
In astrology , to each of the classical planets—the Sun and Moon, as well as the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—there's a 'metal' and 'gemstone' assigned. These are believed to augment the energy of a planet and provide it with advantages in the fields of talismans, rituals, and medicine, at least according to the ancient practice of alchemy. The Sun, a blazing fireball at the center of the Solar System, is therefore likened to gold, the queen of metals.

Its gemstone counterpart is generally either the brilliant, yellow citrine or the fiery red of a ruby, both of which are used to portray the powerful energy of a radiant Sun. The Moon, passing through her different phases each month, is likened to silver, a metal shining so softly—almost as if it is reflecting the light of the Moon. The gemstones corresponding to this lustrous, ethereal quality of the Moon are moonstone and pearls.

Mercury, the messenger planet, is associated with agate for its versatility and opal for communication. Venus is the planet of love and beauty since it is connected with copper, which is highly prized for its rosy hue. Emerald and rose quartz indeed make a powerful polarity in stones representing the planet of love and harmony, Venus.

The warrior planet Mars finds its metal match in iron, strong and unyielding—its fiery nature reflected in the deep red of garnet or the blood-red of red jasper. Jupiter is attributed to the metal tin, very important resource in ancient times, and stones such as sapphire and lapis lazuli—stones of truth and wisdom—are often connected to Jupiter. Saturn is the ringed planet of structure and limitation, aligned with lead, which is heavy and grounding in comparison to other metals.

Saturn's gemstone companions are onyx, dark in colour and heavy in perception, which really captures the nature of Saturn's serious and heavy mantle. In contemporary practice, these planetary metals and gemstones usually find their way into personalized jewelry or crystal healing. According to the practitioners, wearing or working with the material balances planetary energies in life for development and challenges that come with the celestial bodies.


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