
Angolan artist Serafim Yssolo works on a mural Friday at Geiger Elementary School in Lewiston. Yssolo has a background in graffiti art and consulted students about their vision. “One of the main reasons I’m making this mural is because I’m trying to realize the dream that they have inside them,” he said.

A key request was to include the school mascot. “The alligator is in the center of the mural to show the grandeur this school has with the community,” he said. The project is a partnership between LA Arts, Geiger Elementary and the St.

Mary’s Nutrition Center, with support from the Lewiston Public Art Committee. Yssolo speaks Portuguese and communicated through translation software. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal Angolan artist Serafim Yssolo works on a mural Friday at Geiger Elementary School in Lewiston.

Yssolo has a background in graffiti art and consulted students about their vision. “One of the main reasons I’m making this mural is because I’m trying to realize the dream that they have inside them,” he said. A key request was to include the school mascot.

“The alligator is in the center of the mural to show the grandeur this school has with the community,” he said. The project is a partnership between LA Arts, Geiger Elementary and the St. Mary’s Nutrition Center, with support from the Lewiston Public Art Committee.

Yssolo speaks Portuguese and communicated through translation software. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal We invite you to add your comments, and we encourage a thoughtful, open and lively exchange of ideas and information on this website. By joining the conversation, you are agreeing to our commenting policy and terms of use .

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