
Like many, I am deeply troubled by the violence, arson and disorder on display over recent weeks. Attacking police officers, setting fire to buildings and throwing bricks can never be justified. Those who choose to riot and threaten our communities are not welcome here.

Across Bolton , we have a strong record of community cohesion and I am proud of the work our communities do to bring people together. Because, only by working in partnership with one another, can we overcome the barriers put up to by those who wish to sow division. The overwhelming majority of Bolton people have looked on in horror at recent events.

I share their anguish, pain and deep concern about how the tragic killing of three young girls has been hijacked by thugs. We must return our focus back to supporting the victims and families of the terrible attack in Southport. Let us remember; this was another act of male violence against women and girls, incidents of which have hit record levels in recent years.

I also wish to put on record my thanks to the police for their work in managing the incidents here in Bolton and around the country. To that end, I’ve contacted our local Chief Superintendent to personally thank all the police officers at GMP for their work protecting our town and keeping us safe. The Prime Minister and Home Secretary have my full support as they continue to take swift and robust action against those involved in rioting, disorder and looting.

Zero tolerance against this behaviour is needed and I know they are working around the clock to ensure justice is done. The first duty of any government is to keep us all safe from those who would wish to do us harm. That’s why I’ll continue to work with the Home Office, the police and other partners - to ensure those responsible for disorder are held to account and that we’re all able to go about our daily lives in safety.


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