A petition against the closure of public toilets has received hundreds of signatures in 24 hours. Friends of Eastbourne Seafront, a group which defends the town’s waterside facilities, has launched the campaign following Eastbourne Borough Council’s proposed community toilet scheme, which could see facilities closed. Gaynor Sedgwick, who started the petition, said: “This petition is to object to the closure of Eastbourne seafront public toilets, and the decision to no longer repair and re-open badly vandalised toilets in Eastbourne.
“Eastbourne Borough Council wants to replace our public toilets with a Community Toilet Scheme to save money. “This will affect everyone who needs to use a toilet on the seafront, particularly the elderly, those with children, those with medical needs and the disabled. READ MORE: Services for homeless and elderly could close due to council cuts “We have a high number of homeless people who need to use the toilets.
It is not a statutory duty for the council to provide public toilets but it is an essential service no one can do without.” Under the council’s proposals, businesses could be asked to allow public access to their toilets, a move which the public gallery described as “shameful” at the most recent cabinet meeting on September 18. Councillor Stephen Holt, leader of Eastbourne Borough Council, added that toilets vandalised during the consultation period for the scheme would not be reopened.
He said: “It is an incredibly.