
Note: This post contains mentions of substance abuse and abuse. The library is a magical place to many, but there's a lot more to working in one than just shelving books and handing out library cards. Recently, I asked BuzzFeed Community members who work or have worked in libraries to share the inside secrets and surprising everyday experiences of working in a library, and the responses were so insightful.

Here are some of the most fascinating and shocking stories: 2. "As a children's director in a public library, the book challenges always break my heart. I'm trying my best to develop a collection that not only reflects the community I'm serving but also the marginalized people of said community.

Being in a conservative part of the US, I constantly have to defend my choices of diverse and inclusive books. It's such a fine line of making sure each side of the divide can find what they want/need in our collection. So many of our youth have to hide parts of themselves from the world, and I want them to know that the library is a safe place for them.

" — ccballard 4. "Circulation clerk here. The amount of sneezed-in or sneezed-on books I've seen is staggering.

And it's not just kids' books — adults are just as gross." — actingkalokairi 6. "As an archivist (a section of librarianship), people think everything is online and that everything under the sun needs to be digitized.

But they never realize how long it takes to digitize collections, how much manpower it takes, and how much money it takes. Plus, digitization is NOT preservation! Also, it gets really old assuming I love the smell of old books. In reality, I find it gross, because it means that there's something wrong and that the book is breaking down.

" — wagrobanite 8. "The amount of times customers have physically assaulted me. I've been punched, spit on, and tackled just for asking guests to follow the rules.

That, and the amount of poop we (and our staff) have to deal with regularly. For two years, we had a mystery pooper who would leave poop right in the stacks, just out of camera range. We finally caught him and had his ass thrown in jail.

I quit and went into social work because it's easier." —Matt, 38, Oregon 10. "Being a librarian requires a master's degree.

No, seriously, a master's degree in library science (MLS) is required for most professional librarian positions. I found that out when trying to apply for a fun, low-key, part-time evening job. Working the desk to help people check in and out books and sign them up for library cards requires a bachelor's degree.

An actual librarian? Master's. I was floored, especially because of how low the pay was compared to the degree required." — angoravec 14.

"Academic librarian here working at a state university. I work in purchasing library materials, aka acquisitions. We still buy lots of print books, but, holy cow, those convenient online resources we make available for patrons are expensive and messy to deal with.

Besides what we buy, it's much like working in any other business office. My library degree got my foot in the door, but my undergraduate degree in business does all the real work. Not all jobs are service jobs, though! We have many 'back of the house' jobs with virtually zero contact with library patrons.

Cataloging at a big university is a great gig for detail-oriented introverts. It's not all bad. I do like working for a place that isn't exclusively motivated by corporate greed.

The majority of my coworkers are awesome to work with." — leopardnimoy 16. "The amount of people who think our jobs are obsolete because of Google.

Google can give you a million answers, but a librarian can find you the right one. Also, we DON'T get paid to read all day! The politics of an institution can be tedious to navigate, especially in academic libraries. Libraries are one of the last places that are free to just exist in.

They are welcoming, no matter your socio-economic status. Some of the most dedicated people work in the field, and they strongly believe in your rights to read what you want and access the material you want." — ld714891 Aside from being incredibly grateful to libraries and librarians, I am so glad the mystery pooper was apprehended.

If you work in a library, what's the wildest thing you've seen or experienced? Let me know in the comments, or you can anonymously submit using this form! Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity..

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