
People are just realising how bacon is made, and the process has left them flabbergasted, with many of them vowing never to touch it again. Archive footage of the process aired on Discovery Channel UK's How It's Made programme recently recirculated on YouTube. The programme, originally aired in 2018, has now seen many users admitting their “disgust” while looking at the entire cooking process.

The video shows dozens of pork bellies being tossed into a giant tumbler, which spins slowly to soften the meat, making it easier to remove the skin. The documentary stated: “Bacon is now processed and even pre-cooked in factories.” The softened bellies are later stretched out and placed face down on a conveyor belt, which carries them through a slicer to remove the skin.

While the skin is sent for processing into crackling, the meat moves to a “flipping device” that turns it over. Further along the production line, factory workers prepare a brine solution to cure the pork. The programme explained: “Salt is poured into a tank of water and thoroughly mixed until it dissolves.

Liquid smoke and flavourings are then added before the bellies pass beneath an 'injector head,' where needles inject the curing solution into the meat.” As the process continues, a “comb” is pressed into the bellies, allowing them to be hung on a rack. According to Discovery, “Next, they enter a drench cabinet for a liquid smoke shower.

” This step enhances both flavour and colour before the b.

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