
A lot of Brits like to think they're amazing drivers . Most people want to believe they're cool, collected and super observant when behind the wheel. But, even if you're a master on the road, there still may be a few things you aren't too sure of.

For example, do you know what every single thing inside your car does? It turns out, not everyone does, as a common button is confusing a lot of drivers online. Someone got the conversation started on Reddit , when they asked: "What does this button do?" They shared it alongside a picture of the button, which appeared to show a symbol of a light glowing. Read More Related Articles Drivers warned to avoid 'quick fix' when clearing windscreens – for vital reason Read More Related Articles You should never use your suitcase for storage – and it can be an expensive mistake Since the question was asked lots of people have replied with their suggestions.

From the sensible to the absolutely wild - people offered all sorts of ideas as to what the symbol meant. One person said: " Fog light. Not for use mist light mist, haze, drizzle, sleet, overcast, wet or perfectly sunny days.

Use it in fog. Somehow this is confusing for a lot of drivers." Another quipped: "Press that when you are being followed.

It deploys a smoke screen that will allow you to disappear in a dramatic fashion. Also a rear fog light." A third replied: "That looks like a rear fog light switch.

If it’s front the lines dip down." Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: "My f.

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