
Candidates participating in this year’s general election were invited to submit information to the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, which partnered with PennLive to create this voters’ guide. The candidates below are running for a Pennsylvania state house seat and are in the order provided by the League of Women Voters. If a contest is not listed, there are no candidates running in that race.

District 51 Party: Democratic County: Fayette Occupation: Retired Business Manager Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 354, Youngwood, PA Education: Gradated German Township High School, McCellandtown. PA Qualifications: Service and leadership in the U.S.

Army, organized labor, Fayette County PA Democratic Party, community and economic development Contact: georgehuckrattay.com | facebook.georgehuckrattay | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Gun manufacturers are alone in not being held liable for the products they manufacture and sell.

It’s time to reconsider their protection. Needed: tougher gun sale laws. Age restrictions on possession not only purchase of weapons.

Safe storage and red flag laws. House District 51 and all of Fayette County has an expansive transportation network, globally recognized tourist attractions, and underutilized business parks. All are advantageous for business/economic development.

If elected to represent House District 51, I will work with any entity, public or private, any political group, no matter their affiliation to attract new businesses and grow existing ones. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? I’ll start where elections start — primary elections. Independent voters, those not affiliated with either of the two major political parties, should be able to vote in primary elections.

Studies have consistently shown that voting by mail gives the There is little verifiable evidence that voting by mail leads to fraud. Photo ID is another bugaboo. It is already federal law that non-US citizens cannot vote.

The penalty includes deportation. A lack of a photo ID or even confusion about ID requirements can only suppress voter turnout. And according to the 2022 census, 99.

2% of the population of Fayette County were U.S. citizens.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? Education funding has become a political football. Rather than seek a solution, political parties try to score points. No party has a monopoly on good ideas, of what will work to end what everyone agrees is a problem in desperate need of a fix.

Voting against a budget that allocates money to fix some deeply ingrained education problems while disagreeing with aspects of the budget process is not a step forward. Bipartisanship is needed to establish equitable and fair funding for education. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Every woman chooses her career path, whom she loves, the religion to follow, the exercise routine that is best for her, where and how to spend the money she earns, and many other decisions that she wants and are best for her.

That includes healthcare and reproduction choices. Her choice about the family she wants and the healthcare options best and safe for her are decisions rightfully left for her. Government — state, federal or local — has no legitimate right to meddle in a woman’s most personal decision.

Party: Republican County: Fayette This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 52 Party: Republican County: Fayette This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 53 Party: Democratic County: Montgomery Occupation: State Representative Education: Ursinus College, Bachelors of Science in Biology and German Qualifications: A Teamster and a former local beverage wholesaler, I worked in house district 53 for years; I was first elected to Lansdale’s Borough Council in 2011.

As council member and member of the Montgomery County Transportation Authority, I focused on improving the local roads and bridges. Contact: votemalagari.com | facebook.

com/VoteMalagari | www.instagram.com/steve_malagari/ What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Continuing to protect a woman’s right to an abortion remains a uniquely pressing issue after Roe v.

Wade was struck down by the US Supreme Court, as well as protecting other reproductive rights like IVF. Additionally, fairly and fully funding our public schools, as well as adopting cyber charter school funding reforms the House passed this year would be a game changer for public education. Passing common sense gun legislation like Red Flag laws, expanded background checks, & safe storage mandates as well as continuing to deliver childcare tax credits, and improving our infrastructure to mitigate extreme weather brought on by climate change are all top priorities for me and my constituents.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Automatic registration, unfettered Vote-by-Mail access, increasing drop box locations, early voting, enhanced security in accordance with election officials wishes, and easily accessible polling locations are all tools that we can employ to ensure that everyone who wants to vote, can. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? For years we have known about and been asked by voters to implement a fair funding model for our public schools. It is the height of injustice to subject children to vagaries of their zip code and how this affects the quality of their education.

The time is long past for us to address this issue. Additionally, see my comments about cyber charter school reform in the previous section. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I was proud to vote for legislation that seeks to protect out-of-state women who come to PA for reproductive health services from prosecution in their own states.

I will continue to stand up for the right to reproductive healthcare without interference from the government, including the right to an abortion and will fight vigorously against any attempt to deny this right. Party: Republican County: Montgomery Occupation: Assistant Controller Education: BA in Education Qualifications: Contact: vote4bonavita.com | facebook.

com/vote4bonavita | vote.bonavita What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Education, the economy, and illegal immigration are my top 3 priorities. In education, we need to establish parental rights and focus on ensuring that children are taught fundamentals and useful life skills.

Inflation and taxes are hurting the economy. The Governor’s proposed $15 minimum wage would harm small businesses, promote inflation, and limit opportunities for new workers. We need to reject the Governor’s budget that will result in inflation and increased taxes year after year.

We have illegal immigrants perpetrating crime in our communities. To prevent crime from spreading we need to end sanctuary cities. This will protect all Pennsylvanians, especially our children.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? As State Representative I would fight for common sense election integrity laws. This would start with voter ID which would prevent voter fraud. I support ensuring that state ID is available at low or no cost to all citizens.

I would also fight to ensure that ballots are counted at each precinct. This would expedite reporting results in Pennsylvania, a state that is notoriously slow in providing election results. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? All students in Pennsylvania are entitled to a free and full education.

It may be necessary to adjust how education is funded by increasing the funding the state provides, but that should not preclude local school districts from spending additional amounts should they choose to. However, the amount of funding is not the only problem with education. Some districts spend enormous amounts of money and fail to ensure even minimal proficiency in basics such as reading, mathematics, and science.

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? My endorsement would be for the most life-saving bill, but not a full abortion ban. I wouldn’t vote for any abortion bill, not including the exceptions of rape, incest and life of the mother. Abortion is a decision between the mother, doctor, and family.

District 54 Party: Democratic County: Montgomery This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. Party: Republican County: Montgomery Occupation: PA Army National Guard/Federal Army Technician Education: BA in Accounting from La Salle University, MS in Human Resource Management from Temple University Qualifications: Tax Accountant, Investment Accountant, Program Manager, Operations Manager, Logistics Manager Contact: facebook.com/profile.

php?id=100090129854226 What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? In my opinion, creating a balance between both parties to provide achievable sustainable economic growth, strive to protecting our children and our children’s education system, protect our beautiful landscapes, advocate for our veterans and older senior PA citizens, advocate for all that voting is conducted accurately and lastly, advocate for fair Equality and Amendment Rights for Everyone we serve and work for. What we should be doing as representatives of the people is first, to not forget, we are for the people. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Election integrity is of the upmost importance, and fair elections are pivotal.

As representatives, we should enact legislation to require 100% identification when voting. I would support helping laws to ensure better election counting measures, reducing early voting, resolving errors made to written ballots and cracking down on voter abuse and fraud. I also believe we should provide Primary Elections and General Elections as a paid state holiday, as a way to increase in person election day voting.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? It is morally imperative that all deficiencies should be addressed to provide true accountability on how education funding is spent. Regardless of zip code, our future deserves the education provided for all, at its very best. If our children are the future, we need to support legislation that supports the students and educators and not just the system.

It’s now time to enact legislation that provides a fair system where education funds are able to be used by parents and guardians, allowing for true choice and flexibility on how and where our children are educated. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? First let me say, as a father of 2 daughters and grandfather of 8 granddaughters, I do not believe that representatives should make laws that infringe on a women’s healthcare choice and I would support legislation that supports and provides a women’s safety, and privacy. District 55 Party: Democratic County: Westmoreland Occupation: Service Industry BOH Education: Schenley High School Pittsburgh, PA Qualifications: Judge Of Elections, Pennsylvania Youth Governor 2006, Youth and Government 3x Outstanding Delegate, Outstanding Statesman 2x CONA, Student Government President, Schenley High School Graduating Class of 2006.

16+ Years of Public Speaking, Blue Collar Service Industry Worker 20+years Contact: magwoodforpa.com | facebook.com/davonmagwood | www.

instagram.com/magwoodforpa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? AFFORDABLE HOUSING The need for safe and secure housing is a fundamental one, yet it remains unattainable for many individuals. Housing injustice is a prevalent problem in our communities, and as a Representative, Davon is dedicated to supporting initiatives that promote home ownership and protect tenants through legislative measures.

Davon acknowledges that landlords who strive to offer affordable housing face significant challenges, and will work with them to provide responsible measures for their properties. RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE through incentivizing businesses that pay a livable wage and Grant Literacy and Education to small businesses and start ups in their communities, and a ensuring financial security for stronger communities. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Davon would support efforts for more mail in ballots and early voting through mail in options.

These measure would protect those who have limited access to public or private means of transportation. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? Davon is committed to fully funding public education and recognizes current funding system as a constitutional crisis. He aims to address this issue without increasing the financial burden on taxpayers who are already facing difficult financial situations.

Davon also understands the importance of out-of-school time programming in keeping youth engaged in productive activities and preventing violence in our communities This would include diverting 1% of the $47.6 Billion PA Budget to education funding and 10% of all revenue from the Legalization of AU Cannabis Sales in PA, thereafter What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Davon has always been a staunch advocate of the right to choose. He firmly believes that individuals should have the freedom to make their own medical decisions with their healthcare provider.

Davon is fully aware that this issue remains a contentious one in Harrisburg, and he is committed to ensuring that the residents of the 55th district have access to comprehensive healthcare services and reproductive justice, by Codifying Abortion and Reproductive Healthcare into Law Party: Republican County: Westmoreland This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 56 Party: Republican County: Westmoreland This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 57 Party: Republican County: Westmoreland This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 58 Party: Democratic County: Westmoreland Occupation: Certified School Nurse Education: Doctoral Candidate 2024 Qualifications: Business, Union, Healthcare, and Public School Education Contact: | facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555856137638 | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Securing union jobs.

Ensuring PA manufacturing businesses purchase products Made in USA by union workers. Working to hold private-sector employers accountable for OSHA protection for all workers. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Equitable and fair voting districts.

2. Keep mail-in voting 3. Increase the number of ballot drop-boxes.

Drop boxes set for early acceptance of ballots. 4. Oppose onsite ID requirements What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? I support the current Governor Shapiro funding, minus school vouchers.

Public school funding needs to be equitable, with any for-profit charter or cyber schools required to provide data on how any public school funds are used. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I oppose any changes. I will oppose any legislation that restricts a woman’s or birthing person’s right to choose.

A birthing person has the right to privacy in all aspects of healthcare. Party: Republican County: Westmoreland This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 59 Party: Democratic County: Westmoreland Occupation: Retired Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association Education: Greensburg Central Catholic HS, Westmoreland County Community College, Seton Hill University Qualifications: 24 years working in senior living.

8 years working as an advocate for seniors and aging issues in Harrisburg and Washington, DC. I serve on the Governor’s Long-Term Care Council that facilitated the development of the 10 year strategic plan for aging, Aging our Way, PA. Contact: margiezelenak.

com | facebook.com/people/Friends-of-Margie-Sabo-Zelenak/61555564572450/ | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Workforce Crisis - affordable and available childcare to help people enter the workforce. Reform to allow immigrants to work in PA.

Evaluate regulations that restrict employment opportunities especially immigrants and those with criminal records. The minimum wage needs raised to competitive levels. Safety and Security - encompasses more than gun violence and crime.

Residents must feel safe from losing their jobs, homes and incomes. An aging infrastructure in the district can lead to unsafe conditions with utilities, roads and housing. Aging Population - In 2020 23.

6% of the population in Westmoreland County was over 65. The workforce is declining who will care for the seniors. Support the Aging our Way PA 10 year strategic plan.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Education on the mail in voting process is needed so that residents understand how their mail in ballot vote is secure from the time the application is issued through to the process by which it is counted. A change in the law so that pre-canvassing of MIB could begin a few days earlier. That would allow results to be reported on a timely basis.

Westmoreland County needs to provide drop boxes for mail-in ballots at several locations around the county not just at the courthouse. PA should expand its early in-person voting for those who want to vote in person but cannot on Election Day. Increase the compensation for poll workers.

They play an essential role for the in-person voting. Provide appropriate security at polling places. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? Legislation must look at the actual cost to educate each student in a specific district.

Then review the property tax funding stream to support the school districts. The property tax income in Fayette County versus Chester County will be very different. The decreasing population of school age children, especially in Westmoreland County, must be review to determine if there is an opportunity to realign school districts or establish a county school district.

I support the Governor’s proposal for a flat rate per student across PA for cyber schools. There needs to be an audit of the cyber schools to verify compliance. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? The current PA laws support a women’s right to make her own health care decisions.

I will continue to support this right. As other states begin to restrict women’s right, PA must be vigilant to proved the necessary safeguards for women, their families, and their healthcare providers. We must protect their right to IVF and contraceptives.

I have been endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Party: Republican County: Westmoreland This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 60 Party: Republican County: Armstrong This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 61 Party: Democratic County: Montgomery This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. Party: Republican County: Montgomery Occupation: Veterinarian Education: B.S.

Penn State, V.M.D.

University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Qualifications: Practicing veterinarian for 27 years - experience in medicine, public health and zoonotic diseases. Small business owner - first mobile and now in brick and mortar location. Mom of daughter with special needs - understand challenges of entitlement programs and transition to other government program.

Contact: www.rupp4pa61.com What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? The most pressing issue is the economy.

I would work to support small businesses, reduce over regulation of small businesses and help people learn how to start their own businesses. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I support Women’s Health issues and do not intend to make any changes to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws at this time. District 62 Party: Republican County: Indiana Occupation: State Representative This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 62 Party: Democratic County: Clarion Occupation: Self-Employed Education: Clarion University of Pennsylvania Qualifications: Certificate of Paralegal Studies, minor in Political Science, Master of Library and Information Science Contact: patforpa.com | facebook.com/PatforPA | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? The minimum wage needs to be raised to match or exceed the surrounding areas.

People in this state are tired of being exploited by their jobs. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? We should follow the lead of Washington State and have 100% mail in voting. Additionally, if there will remain in-person voting options, election day should me made a holiday, so that people aren’t forced to work instead of vote.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? Any legislation that prohibits the use of public monies for private institutions, I would support. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Enshrine women’s rights into the constitution, on the state and federal level, via an amendment. Party: Republican County: Clarion This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 62 Party: Republican County: Venango This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. Party: Constitution County: Venango Occupation: Disabled Veteran Education: Associate Degree in drafting and design Qualifications: City council Contact: Ronjohnsonforpa.com | RonJohnsonforPadistrict64.

com What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? I’m concerned about issues such as high inflation the opioid crisis homelessness and the immigration problem. I will work tirelessly with both parties to fight these issues we have to have a bipartisan plan to fix it but, we have to stop the “I’ll help if you give me this‚Äù agenda. We have to protect Pennsylvanians at all cost.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Voting laws should be, 18 years old, photo ID and you must be an American citizen to vote. If you want to be apart of the voting system then become a citizen and be heard. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? The department of Education is unconstitutional and needs to be removed.

The government should not have any say on what our children are being taught. It should be up to the parents and teachers. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I can say I’m pro life and loose supporters and on the other hand I could say I’m pro abortion and leave the law as is, but I would loose supporters.

I’m not answering this question because what needs to be done is each person needs to look in to their own heart and go from there. District 65 Party: Democratic County: Warren Occupation: Founder and CEO of White Cane Coffee Contact: linktr.ee/erinwillmanforpa65 | facebook.

com/profile.php?id=61557826094844 | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? The rural counties in PA are struggling with population decline. This is caused by many factors.

..Health Care, Education, and Sustainable Employment.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Voting is a fundamental right of every citizen here in PA. Mail-in voting and in-person voting should be easily accessible to everyone. Voting in person can be difficult for the disabled, elderly, people who are working, single parents etc.

I personally do not have a problem with voter I.D..

I have had to show my I.D. every time I have voted since I was 18.

I firmly believe that everyone has the right to vote and that every vote counts. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? A good education is the bedrock of any thriving society. I feel that teachers should have the resources to fully serve their mission to educate the children of PA.

That being said, what works in large metropolis areas does not always work in rural areas. Rural counties need to have the flexibility to serve their community. Education is the first tool to break the cycle of poverty.

A well educated population is a population that will thrive in today’s world. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? This is a very complex issue for many people. My position is simple: I am both pro-life and pro-choice.

Pro-life: I believe that everyone should have access to adequate health care from birth to death. Everyone should have access to a good education. Everyone should be able to participate in the pursuit of happiness.

Pro-choice: I am not a doctor and neither is my opponent. I don’t need a politician sitting in the doctor’s office with me approving or denying me healthcare. Healthcare is between the patient and the doctor.

Party: Republican County: Warren This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 66 Party: Republican County: Jefferson This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 67 Party: Democratic County: Mckean Occupation: Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) Administrator, Imaging Technologist (Xrays, CT Scans) Education: MBA degree: New England College (Healthcare Administration / Management), MS degree: New England College (Management/ Health Admin), BS degree: University of Pittsburgh (Radiological Science) Qualifications: Advocate for change What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Public Education: Follow the BEFC Report.

Invest! Budget surpluses as a temporary means to increase funding. Raising the minimum wage and the legalization of recreational marijuana to boost revenue. Learn from others and apply creative ideas to fund and educate our future.

Minimum Wage: There is no excuse for not raising it. I’m a strong supporter of raising it to $15. This can be done in multiple phases to allow businesses time to adapt.

Someone making minimum wage and working full-time should be able to live in Pennsylvania without worrying about affordability of their basic needs. Infrastructure: We need to invest more in transformative infrastructure — infrastructure that provides lasting social and economic value for everyone What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? The Election Code must absolutely be overhauled. .

It has not evolved to reflect changes in technology, legal precedents, and current practices. Any amendments since have only added to its confusion and potential contradictions. Comprehensive training for our election directors and officials is needed.

Election policies on mail-in ballots differ across the 67 counties. To ensure mail-in ballots remain safe, secure, and counted: these policies need to be specific and uniformly adhered to throughout. Ballot curing should be a routine policy for fatal defects.

Postage always included, not an additional barrier to casting a vote. Pre-canvassing ballots permitted prior to election day. No expanded voter ID.

In-Person fraud is very rare. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? An educated society makes for a better society. Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) has provided a roadmap to close the funding gap and provide the transformational change we need.

It’s imperative we listen! I support Governor Shapiro’s plan to increase funding by $1 billion this year and the use of budget surpluses to make future increases. However, it will take creative funding ideas to move forward to prevent the complete exhaustion of these surpluses. I am a firm believer in raising the minimum wage and legalizing recreational marijuana to generate significantly more dollars.

We need to fund public education to eliminate poor districts, putting them in the best position to succeed — lessening the so-called “need‚Äù for vouchers. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Abortion is health care and should always be treated as such. It’s an extremely difficult decision that is not taken lightly and will never be forgotten.

I support access to safe, legal abortions without exceptions. This includes eliminating the Medicaid abortion ban which only serves to punish our poor and underserved people. The right to an abortion should be protected under the Equal Rights Amendment.

I support an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution providing for personal reproductive liberty. Continue to protect people seeking care in our commonwealth from their restrictive home state laws. Increased funding for education, contraception, and a full range of reproductive & sexual healthcare (including abortions, IVF).

Party: Republican County: Mckean This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 68 Party: Republican County: Tioga This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 69 Party: Republican County: Somerset This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 70 Party: Democratic County: Montgomery This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. Party: Republican County: Montgomery Occupation: Retired Policeman Education: BS Criminal Justice Qualifications: I am a legal resident, a citizen of the United States who lives in Montgomery County Pa. I believe in the U.

S. Constitution and the strict adherence there of. Contact: edmoyeforpa.

us | facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559292985380 | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Safety - re-empower law enforcement, help to increase their numbers.

Economy - Cut taxes and utilize Fracking. Illegal Drugs - funding for alcohol and drug rehabilitation organizations, tougher sentencing for drug dealers. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? I would support a law that every person who wants to vote must have an I.

D. paid for by the state proving that they are a legal resident thereby ensuring security in our election system. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? NA What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? The Pa abortion laws are adequate, no changes needed.

District 71 Party: Republican County: Cambria This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 72 Party: Democratic County: Cambria This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. Party: Republican County: Cambria This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 73 Party: Republican County: Clearfield This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 74 Party: Democratic County: Chester Occupation: State Representative Education: Ph.D.

Theology, Geneva College Qualifications: PA State Representative (2018-present); Senior Pastor, New Life in Christ Fellowship (1990-present) Contact: dan4pa74.com | facebook.com/Dan4PA74 | instagram.

com/dan4pa74/ What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Representative Dan Williams understands that representation matters and recognizes the importance of diverse voices in decision-making. As a pastor, his role extends beyond politics, and his constant goal is to unite people and create an environment of mutual respect. In PA House District 74, Representative Williams is committed to properly funding our public schools, investing in revitalizing our communities, advancing labor rights and promote equality in the workplace.

He will also focus on healthcare accessibility, prioritize property tax relief, support Pennsylvania’s farmers, and defend women’s rights and privacy for all. These initiatives reflect his vision for an inclusive, healthy, and prosperous future for all Pennsylvanians. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? The right to vote is fundamental to all citizens.

Therefore, guaranteeing access to the ballot and increasing participation in voting must be paramount. Representative Dan Williams is working hard in the PA House as a sponsor and co-sponsor of legislation: HB 258 - Establishes early voting locations for 15 days pre-election. HB 220 - Allows employees time from work to vote without penalty.

HB 858 - Implements pre-canvassing for absentee and vote by mail ballots. HB1488 — Allows ballot questions that would change the PA Constitution to only be on the ballot in Gubernatorial or Presidential General elections to ensure the maximum voter participation. HB 1703 — Enshrines in law the right to online voter registration.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? In the PA House Representative Dan Williams will support‚Ķ Budget legislation that includes an education funding formula that:a. Ensures that every student has access to the same resources and educational opportunities.b.

Targets additional funds to districts that rely heavily on residential property taxes to relieve the burden on homeowners. Legislation to ensure that training, hiring, and retaining top quality teachers and support staff is a reality in all public schools across the Commonwealth. Legislation that standardizes payments to cyber charter schools.

Legislation to reimburse districts for the actual cost of providing special education services. Legislation that opposes sending public funds to private schools. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Representative Dan Williams is a pro-choice Christian.

The community needs to understand that banning abortions does not lead to fewer abortions; it leads to fewer safe abortions and higher maternal mortality rates. A true commitment to decreasing abortion rates, means improving access to birth control and more comprehensive sex education, creating universal reproductive health care, overhauling foster care and adoption systems, instituting paid maternity leave, subsidizing universal childcare and focusing on ending sexual violence.The focus needs to be on reducing racial and socioeconomic disparities in women’s reproductive health outcomes and supporting legislation, like HB 1786, to ensure full access to reproductive health care.

Party: Republican County: Chester This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 75 Party: Republican County: Clearfield This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 76 Party: Democratic County: Clinton Occupation: Human Resources Generalist Education: Master’s in Health Sciences Qualifications: Over 20 years of business experience with 6 years of those years in the Human Resources field.

A single mom of two boys who understands the struggles families are facing today. Contact: denisemaris.com | facebook.

com/Denise.Maris76StateHouse | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? There are several pressing issues currently facing Pennsylvania right now and for our rural area, one such pressing issue is the current political divide. This creates an unbalanced system and silences the opposing voices for fear of the backlash if something is said goes against what the ill-informed masses believe in.

Another pressing issue in the our rural area is the issue of affordable child care. Families struggle to not only find child care in the community they live in but one in which they can afford. More needs to be done to increase access to high quality childcare and to provide assistance to help our families pay for the ever increasing cost.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? The changes that I would support would be for mail in ballots to continue as designed to include the no-excuse mail in ballot. This ability was widely used during Covid and should be continued. There are several barriers associated with individuals being able to make it to a physical voting location and a mail in ballot ensures that their voices are heard.

I would also support legislation that allows for local election officials to contact mail in ballot voters of any discrepancies in their ballots. Educate the general public on how the election process actually works and hold people accountable who spread falsehoods on the process. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? The legislation I would support would be one that would provide the opportunity for our children to receive the necessary funding that ensures they receive the best education possible.

Additionally, there should be funding included for children that have special needs because they also deserve to have access to a quality education like other children as well. As a mom whose child received additional support, it provided them with the opportunity to succeed in their class with their peers and not be left behind. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? The changes I would support for PA abortion laws is to protect the decision once it has been made by a woman and her family.

There should be no barriers for an abortion and medical providers should be able to educate their patients without the fear of lawsuit. Legislation should be enacted in that an individual’s personal choice to have an abortion is their choice alone, that they should be able to make this decision free without fear of reprisal. Additionally, there should be more funding associated with sex education to not only inactive teenagers but those that are sexually active as well.

Education is the key to unwanted pregnancies and safer sex practices. Party: Republican County: Clinton This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 77 Party: Democratic County: Centre Occupation: State Representative Education: Clearfield County Vocational Technical School Qualifications: Incumbent State Representative, former Centre County Commissioner, former small business owner Contact: linktree.

com/conklinforpa | facebook.com/ScottConklinPA | instagram.com/scottconklinpa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Protecting personal freedoms, the right to vote, and ensuring all Pennsylvanians are heard.

Protecting our environment so farmers can continue to produce, the outdoors can be enjoyed, and our children have a future home. Protecting workers’ rights. We need to ensure that every worker in the Commonwealth receives good wages and is treated with dignity in the workplace.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? My election package would address the issues that have arisen. It would allow pre-canvassing and put in clearer guidelines for the system. We also need to step back and publicly appreciate and support the public servants who step forward year after year to ensure our elections are fair and secure.

Public officials need to step forward and clearly articulate the process to regain trust where it has been lost. The procedures are in place and need to be publicized over and over again. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? The governor’s budget proposal goes a long way to address the education funding issues we face.

The initiatives he has put forth on reforming higher education and the bold investments he has put toward public schools are a great starting point for the discussion that will unfold. I look forward to working with him and my colleagues to address the need this ruling clearly illustrates. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Big government should not tell us what we can do with our bodies, who we can love, and who we must worship.

The right to bodily autonomy should be enshrined in the Pennsylvania Constitution. Full stop. Party: Republican County: Centre Occupation: Business Owner Education: College Qualifications: Immediate Past Commander United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Created 4 successful businesses in Centre County using fiscal responsibility. Integrity and honor are my core values which has made people trust me with decisions that would effect their lives. Contact: marieforpa77.

com | facebook.com/marie.librizziMUl | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Government spending is out of control.

Our legislators, for years, have not stood up to this fact. We must limit our spending to that which is necessary and cut wasteful spending that does no good for anyone. Trillion dollar deficits will ruin the country.

Pa citizens cannot run their personal finances the way the government runs the budget. It’s time to finally quit “kicking the can down the road‚Äù and put the country & Pa on a sustainable monetary path.When government provides sound fiscal policy, it encourages business growth and the jobs that follow.

business and jobs are lost. Over regulation of business activities does the same thing. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? I would support a law that makes it clear that only legal state residents are permitted to vote.

Every citizen would be required to show proof of citizenship when they register and also show a state issued ID when they vote. Absentee and mail in voters would be required to include the number from their state issued ID on their ballot. Absentee and mail in ballot voters should only be permitted to deliver their ballots to county and municipal offices during normal business hours or have them delivered by the USPS.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? HB 2370 is far from perfect but at least it puts Pennsylvania’s school districts on a road to providing equitable funding. It is imperative that school districts look to implement sound management practices so that any waste in school district operations can be eliminated. Far too long administrators have made decisions without the knowledge or input from the staff who see the funding issues as they relate to the education of our children.

I would propose a team be established in every school which included parents, office staff and teachers who would advise administration on funding priorities. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I would suggest an amendment resulting from questions posed on the ballot at an election. These answers would allow the citizens of PA to vote on any changes.

The abortion issue is a private and personal issue. What our PA residents choose and vote for would allow their input and not have the decisions of elected officials forced upon them. District 78 Party: Republican County: Bedford This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 79 Party: Republican County: Blair This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 80 Party: Republican County: Blair Occupation: Businessman Education: M.Div.

Qualifications: Contact: wethetaxpayers.org | www.facebook.

com/wethetaxpayers2024/ | www.instagram.com/wethetaxpayers/ What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? In rural PA, there are several issues which require focused, state-level leadership.

From the threatened¬†collapse of volunteer-based fire and EMS services, to the decline of downtowns, to the rise of cross-generational addiction. Most of these issues require bully-pulpit leadership from elected leaders at all levels. For fire and EMS, we’ll need a serious call to volunteerism and community spirit, while¬†still finding ways to reward and incentivize through education and tax benefits.

The addiction issues stem from a combination of spiritual despair and the realities of eroded family structures, as well as conflicting messages from leaders. It is bad policy fund public priorities like schools on revenue derived from addictive substances. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? I support a simple, commonsense requirement of voter ID.

I support the repeal of Act 77—and no-excuse mail-in ballots, while supporting a return to traditional absentee ballot options. I believe we need to restore a sense of urgency for a bipartisan emphasis on local monitoring and enforcement of election laws. We need judges of elections and poll watchers who understand their critical role in protecting the democratic process.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? Pennsylvania’s promise of equal and equitable funding for public schools has been a consistent disappointment and failure. We know that the average of $17,000 spending per pupil has not produced results commensurate with that investment. It’s not working.

While I support Governor Shapiro’s early call for more school choice, I strongly oppose the notion that adding billions in state revenue to fund traditional classroom instruction will have the desired effect. We need to fund students, not buildings. We need to make sure the dollars follow the needs of a child‚Äînot subsidize programs and projects that have little to do with better outcomes.

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I support Pennsylvania’s existing laws requiring parental notification for minors seeking an abortion. I support programs that provide immediate help for women in crisis situations‚Äîespecially in situations where domestic violence is likely and the prospect of coerced abortions increased. Defunding the Alternatives to Abortion program was shortsighted and irresponsible.

I support banning abortions for children pre-diagnosed with Downs syndrome. I support a law prohibiting abortions when a heartbeat is detected. I support a permanent ban on tax dollars for organizations like Planned Parenthood—or any organization that counsels or promotes abortion.

Ultimately, I support extending life-affirming, legal protection for all pre-born children. District 81 Party: Democratic County: Huntingdon Occupation: CEO/Co-Founder, Juniata Brewing Company Education: BA< Mind and Language, Juniata College 2000 Qualifications: Huntingdon Borough Council 2018-2022, Vice Chair of Huntingdon Water and Sewer Authority, Member of Penn State Extension Huntingdon County Council, Board Member of non-profit Huntingdon Landmarks Inc. Contact: www.

steegforpa.com | facebook.com/steegforpa | instagram.

com/steegforpa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Proper education funding is the most pressing issue Pennsylvanians face (at least that is immediately and most properly addressed at the state level). It stuns me to say this, but the answer is as simple as sitting down with the educational leaders in our state to work out a proper, constitutionally sound method for equitable funding that allows children to thrive regardless of ZIP code. I’m moderately floored that this problem hasn’t already been addressed and corrected by the current legislature.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Maintaining vote-by-mail access is job one, but I would support most efforts to increase transparency in the voting process. If more people are aware of what is done and why it is done, it should not only serve to inoculate against fearmongering, but it should also cause things to become more robust over time; a widely known process is one into which many people can offer additional insight over time. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? I would love to move away from the property tax funding model -- perhaps not completely, but certainly into other, broader areas of funding.

I would support any legislation that recognized that struggles must be met with resources, and that knows that geography is part of the curriculum and not the determining factor in how far you can go in life. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? A constitutional amendment in the vein of HB1888 (creating a fundamental right to personal reproductive liberty) would be a direct way to ensure that a freedom to choose remains a part of life in Pennsylvania for many years to come. Party: Republican County: Huntingdon This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 82 Party: Democratic County: Centre Occupation: PA State Representative Education: B.A. SUNY at Buffalo, M.

A. Southern Methodist University, M.S.

Maryland University of Integrated Health Qualifications: Incumbent. 30+ years experience in business, education, and government. Contact: paultakac.

com | facebook.com/PaulTakacPA | Instagram.com/paultakac_pa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Full and fair funding for public education, including relief for local taxpayers, cyber charter reform, college affordability, and expansion of career and technical education.

Protecting individual freedom, including reproductive, LGBTQ+, and voting rights. Ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare, especially in underserved communities. Creating economic opportunities across PA and supporting working people and families by investing in local economies and rural areas, including housing, infrastructure, and human services.

Protecting the environment and addressing climate change by reducing emissions and supporting a broad based energy portfolio, including renewable energy. Supporting first responders, veterans, and family farms. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? We should make it as easy as possible for every eligible voter to participate in our democracy.

That is why I support maintaining the beneficial provisions of Act 77, including vote by mail, extended registration, and the use of secure drop boxes located in multiple convenient locations, especially in historically underrepresented communities. I also support same day registration, extended in person voting opportunities, and allowing independent voters to participate in party primaries. I also believe we must minimize barriers to timely administration of elections by allowing pre-canvassing and expediting ballot curing or correction.

And lastly, I support budgetary and legislative support to help protect our election workers. What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? As a member of the Education Committee, and someone who benefitted from a high-quality public education and spent his career working with educators, I have no greater priority than ensuring that every child in PA has the opportunities and resources they need to succeed, regardless of zip code. I fully support the recommendations in the majority report of the Basic Education Funding Commission and have voted in favor of every effort thus far to enact them.

They include increased state funding for districts with an insufficient tax base or with greater numbers of students with specialized needs, property tax relief for overburdened local taxpayers, and the reform of cyber charter school reimbursements, reporting, and transparency. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Like the majority of Pennsylvanians, I believe we must protect the freedom of everyone to control their own bodies and make their own reproductive healthcare decisions, including abortion. Such decisions are deeply personal and must only be made by that person and their doctor.

The government has no role or standing in that decision. I not only oppose any new restrictions but fully support enshrining such constitutional protections at both the federal and state level. I also support shielding PA healthcare providers and patients from out of state investigations, prosecutions, or sanctions.

Finally, I oppose public funding of any organization that does not provide counseling on the full range of reproductive healthcare options available. Party: Republican County: Centre Occupation: Retired Education: B.S.

in Education Qualifications: 36 years in medical sales working for international companies and start up companies. Additionally, a decade of self employment as a business owner. Taught for several years in various central Pennsylvania school districts.

Contact: electhollen.com | www.facebook.

com/profile.php?id=61558938064390 | What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Pennsylvanians are worried about the economy, inflation, and illegal immigration, which is linked to rising crime. Many feel our government has left them behind, but it’s time to put their needs first.

Reducing red tape and cutting taxes in Harrisburg will help businesses thrive and create more opportunities in the 82nd district. We can also fight inflation by tapping into Pennsylvania’s energy resources, lowering costs for essentials like heating and groceries. Illegal immigration has turned every state into a border state, bringing more violent crime.

As your state representative, I’ll stand against legislation that puts others ahead of Pennsylvanians. What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? As a representative, I would support an exploratory committee to research blockchain voting technology and advocate for strict chain of custody requirements for ballots. Additionally, I would push for more universal efforts to ensure the accuracy of voter rolls across the Commonwealth to restore faith in our elections across the board.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? The burden of school funding should not fall solely on property owners. However, we must create a system that delivers a strong public education because our children deserve the best chance for success. As a former teacher in Pennsylvania’s “T,‚Äù I’ve seen firsthand the importance of providing economically disadvantaged students with the best opportunities.

We must balance and address the needs of our students by offering the best learning environments, whether that’s through traditional public schools, online programs, or private charter schools. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? I believe abortion is such a personal issue that every Pennsylvanian should have the direct right to vote on our abortion laws. I pledge to fight for any abortion legislation to be decided by ballot, giving Pennsylvanians the opportunity to have a direct say.

In a state as diverse as ours, this is the only way to truly govern an issue as private as abortion‚Äîallowing the people to choose the laws that govern us. Whether Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, the people must have a voice in shaping this legislation. District 83 Party: Republican County: Lycoming This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 84 Party: Republican County: Lycoming This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 85 Party: Democratic County: Union Occupation: Public Policy Education: Yale University, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa Qualifications: Worked in Harrisburg at the Department of Health and the Department of the Auditor General, public policy experience at Senator Bob Casey’s Washington, DC office as well as the Center for American Progress and Public Citizen, economics research at Yale University and Yale Law School Contact: nick4pa.com | facebook.

com/nick4pa | instagram.com/nick4pa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? Three top issues for me are developing our local economy, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and investing in local public education. Securing funding for broadband is essential to realizing each of these priorities.

Regarding local enterprise, Pennsylvania taxes unfairly burden working people and small business owners, and I will work to lower those taxes. In healthcare, I will work with providers to maintain emergency care access and reduce costs. Finally, I will fight for fair funding for our public schools.

I also believe that we need to restore decency in government to get things done. Elected officials should be responsible for their work, not cast blame or make excuses. I will always be accountable to our district.

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes? Safe, secure, and accessible elections depend on the work of local election officials, and I will always listen to their needs. I support allowing counties to prepare mail-in ballots for counting (not to count them) before Election Day in order to ensure that winners are determined without delay. I also support allowing people who share a primary residence to deliver mail-in ballots for each other and eliminating other non-security-related obstacles to voting by mail.

I would join bipartisan support for early voting. I am open to expanding the ability of 16- and 17-year-olds to prepare for voting when they turn 18 through pre-registration programs. I also support an opt-out system for voter registration when obtaining a driver’s license.

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed? All our schools in the 85th district are underfunded and have faced a decade of costs rising far faster than state revenue support (up to six times as fast over the past decade). Property taxes have increased across the district, too, increasing the burden on local families, especially senior citizens on fixed incomes. The court’s ruling demands that we do better.

I support increasing state funding for public schools while also increasing accountability for all education providers receiving state funds to educate our children. I would fight for funding systems that address the needs of our district, including for vo-tech programs, increased school support staff, and resources for special education services. What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws? Pennsylvanians have the right to the care they need for themselves and their families.

The recent instances across the country of mothers, at the risk of their lives, unable to access abortion services for wanted but non-viable pregnancies demonstrate the need to protect access to healthcare in our district. That said, I believe it is essential to guarantee that health centers are transparent and accountable for the services they offer—especially when they receive taxpayer funds. More broadly, I think conversations about abortion cannot take place in a vacuum.

We need to work on access to affordable childcare, early-childhood education, prenatal care and other health care services to support all Pennsylvania families. Party: Republican County: Union This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide. District 86 Party: Republican County: Perry This candidate has not completed the 2024 general election voters’ guide.

District 87 Party: Democratic County: Cumberland Occupation: IT Manager Education: BS Information Technology Qualifications: Contact: www.johnfloodforpa.com | facebook.

com/61556609266129 | instagram.com/johnfloodforpa What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them? John will fight to protect the reproductive freedoms of Pennsylvanians by codifying this right into our state Constitution. John believes that we should raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and have the minimum wage adjusted annually based on the annual increase by the Social Security Inflation Index.

John believes that we must reform how we fund our schools. We must stop kicking the can down the road, work to support our schools fairly, and stop making mandates on our local school districts without fully funding them. He also believes we must reform and hold our charter schools to the same standard as our public schools.

Finally, he believes we mus.

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