
When I invite friends and relatives to visit, I say, 'Don't come in July or August...

come in early June so we can at least enjoy the outdoors without smoke!' Will Briggs, editor of the Lewistown News-Argus, wrote a great article about how the wildfires and smokey conditions are causing some visitors to Montana to cancel their plans. Tourism groups and recreation managers, he writes, are trying to figure out strategies to keep people informed, happy, and safe. Wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity.

It didn't used to be this way. The hot dry conditions in our forests and fields are being exacerbated by the changing climate. We need to preserve Montana's beautiful landscapes and our tourism and agricultural industries.

So many livelihoods are at stake. Candidates running for office: What will be the first steps you take to stabilize our climate? How will you ensure all communities receive equitable access to clean air and water and a rapid response to disasters? What are your solutions? As we consider voting in upcoming elections, it's my sincere hope that everyone will pay close attention to the candidates' climate positions. Citizens' Climate Lobby works across the aisle with our members of Congress — Senators Tester and Daines, and Representatives Zinke and Rosendale — to implement effective climate policies.

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