
Spice up both your sweet and savoury dishes with the aromatic tartness of tangy tamarind Tamarind caramel grilled poussin with beetroot, coconut and rice salad Tamarind is an ingredient we’ve come to embrace recently. You can buy it as a pulp that looks like squashed dates, or as a paste. It adds a fragrant sourness to dishes.

It’s one of the main ingredients in brown sauce and Worcestershire sauce, so our palates recognise it. You can add it to curries and chutneys or whizz it into a dipping sauce. It usually needs something sweet to balance the flavour; you can use palm sugar, brown sugar, even maple syrup.

In the recipe here I’ve made a tamarind caramel to glaze baby chickens, or poussin as they’re known. You can pick these up in supermarkets now and they make a lovely individual roast. Here they’re spatchcocked (split down the backbone and flattened) optimistically to be barbecued with a tamarind caramel.

You add boiling water to the tamarind pulp with some ginger, leave it for 20 minutes, then strain the seeds out..

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