
I can speak for myself when I say I envisioned parenthood looking a lot differently from how it actually looks IRL. I love being a mom so incredibly much, but there are plenty of things that are far from my idealized, pre-baby vision. So I was intrigued when I saw that Redditor Kitkatcreature asked, "What was your parenting delusion you had before having kids?" Here are the ways people envisioned themselves as parents.

..before they had kids of their own.

3. "I didn't understand why people would use leashes for toddlers. I’d ask myself, 'What kind of monster would chain their kid to a leash!' No,w I have a toddler, and I can totally see why people might need a leash in public places.

😂" — Ordinary-Broad 6. "I guess it never occurred to me before I became a parent that young kids and teens could be so chronically mentally unwell and how much it would take to monitor that and attempt to keep them well." — anonymoususer37642 8.

"I swore I'd never use the phrase 'because I said so.' As a parent, I would explain things to my kid instead. And I do.

But after the third or fourth time explaining the exact same thing, you just have to take a bath because I said so." — LuuluSoul 10. "I thought movie nights would be fun.

But my kids want to watch the same movies over and over again, and most of them were never interesting to me to begin with." — JoyceReardon 12. "I thought that I would magically come up with daily creative activities that my child would love.

Turns out my br.

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