
Paradise Private Hospital is older than this beautiful country Papua New Guinea, providing medical service to Papua New Guinean since 1959. The hospital celebrates its 65 th anniversary this morning with free medical checkups and live band performance and entertainment by staffs at the hospital in Port Moresby. The hospital have a very long history from where it started its operations in the pre-independence as an out-patient clinic to now.

Paradise Private Hospital Chief Executive Officer, Dr Robin Sios told Post-Courier Online that there were many transitions of the hospital to where it is today since its inceptions in the late 1950s. Dr Sios highlighted that the inception of the hospital was around the pre-independence, it started off as just a small out-patient clinic for families runed by an expatriate woman doctor named Dr. Shirley Clifton-Smith.

He said the hospital was took over from Dr Smith and run by another expatriate, Dr Allan Hutchinson in 1965, where he employed other doctors as Assistance. In 1979, Professor Dr Glen Mola bought the hospital and named it as “Dr. Mola’s Clinic” with five-bed maternity and labor ward and a small operating theatre and it become a household name throughout the nation.

Professor Mola after completing his studies in the United Kingdom in 1981, he expanded the facility into country’s first private hospital in 1984. He then forged Partnership with Dr Robin Sios and Dr. Misi Lam in 1993 and that is when the journey of building and setting up the hospital to new standard began.

Hospital CEO, Dr Sios said three partners ownership in the practice where they build up the hospital to a standard, with patients and improve all facilities to provide the medical services. “It was a good partnership for 25 years. As all good things come to an end so as the long partnership, Dr Mola and Dr Lam decided to leave the hospital in the early 2000s.

“It was just myself and I didn’t know what to do” “I was the only national and I got attached to this hospital for 25 years and the patients got attached to me for around two to three generations. “It took me long to decide what I will do for this hospital. “I have always desired to provide health services to my fellow country man at a reasonable and affordable cost and that had been the drive for me to make this decision of holding on and buying the hospital” said Dr Sios.

Dr Sios said he involved his wife, Janet Sios and both started to seek funds by putting in submissions in corporate houses for about a year. Dr Sios said they had received some positive feedbacks from the corporate houses which they were in a position to bought off the hospital. In 2014, Dr Sios and Mrs.

Sios received full ownership of the hospital from Dr Mola and Dr Lam and it became the100 percent first nationally owned private hospital. The couple build the hospital up to a 40-bed facility, treated over 80,000 patients annually and increased its staff up to 200 professional both medical and corporate. Dr Sios added that since gaining ownership a lot has been done from launching five year strategic pan 2022-2027 to going into Digital Management System in 2023.

“We still have a long way to go, and this is just the beginning” said Dr Sios. Featured image- Supplied.

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