Thursday, January 2, 2025 An amber cold health alert has been issued for Oxfordshire and the southeast of England, effective from noon on January 2 to noon on January 8 . The alert, issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) , warns of significant impacts on health and social care services due to the forecasted cold weather. This alert highlights heightened risks, including an increase in deaths among vulnerable groups such as those aged 65 and over or with pre-existing health conditions.
The strain on health services is also expected to rise, with challenges in maintaining indoor temperatures at the recommended 18°C . The cold weather could further compromise the functionality of key facilities like hospitals, care homes, and clinics, as indoor temperatures may drop below health safety thresholds. Staffing issues, exacerbated by travel delays, are another concern raised in the alert.
Adding to the challenges, the Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow, which will be in place from noon on January 4 to 9 am on January 6 . Heavy snow is forecasted across much of the UK, including Oxfordshire, with some areas expected to see accumulations of 20 to 30 cm . The Met Office warns of potential disruptions, including power outages, hazardous travel conditions, and delays on roads, railways, and air routes.
These warnings highlight the dual challenge of managing cold-related health impacts alongside snow-induced disruptions. The elderly, individuals with chronic .