
TENS of thousands of overweight Scots have been sent to special clinics over their weight. Scotland 's ballooning obesity crisis has seen a surge in referrals to specialist centres to get people losing weight . 4 Over 15,000 Scots have been sent to specialist weight loss centres Credit: AFP - Getty 4 GPs sent them to fat-loss hubs amid major worries for their health Credit: Getty Images - Getty 4 Scotland's obesity crisis was branded a ticking timebomb Credit: Getty - Contributor 4 The specialist hubs are equipped to get obese Scots to slim down Credit: Getty - Contributor GP clinics across the country have been urgently sending people to lose weight amid drastic interventions to improve their health , reports the Daily Mail .

The centres will see overweight Scots treated by physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and dieticians. Medics are able to send obese patients to a tier 3 specialist weight management service to help them slim down. In 2022/23, there were 11,287 Scots sent to the fat loss hubs.

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