
Well, that’s it — summer’s over. For those of you who have not yet taken down your Christmas lights, congrats. You stood your ground for so long that you are no longer late.

You’re early. Season’s Greetings to you. I know it’s not officially the end of summer but, come on.

Get real. It’s too dark to tee off at 6 a.m.

and it’s too dark to walk off the course at 9 p.m. It’s over.

I blinked and summer went poof. Since we’re talking about the seasons, a couple weeks ago I was sharing some thoughts about words and phrases that get on my nerves. Readers are always happy to chime in with their own peeves.

We all have a great time complaining and, as a bonus, your thoughts help me reach my column word count almost effortlessly. Reader Frank has a seasonally hot end-of-summer take. He doesn’t appreciate weather forecasters who say temperatures are “seasonally normal for this time of year.

” What’s wrong with “appropriate temperatures?” he asks. And hey, forecasters, I don’t appreciate when every day you call for a 40 per cent chance of rain. How can that forecast ever be wrong? Take a stand.

Put your humidex where your Doppler is and call for zero per cent or 100 per cent occasionally. In that same column, I had a throwaway phrase that I never would have thought about if it didn’t spark such outrage among readers. I wrote: “None of us are perfect.

” And I was wrong. By wrong, I mean my word choice was wrong. I should have said, “None of us is pe.

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