A special “Dear Santa” moment for an Oklahoma family, an Oklahoma “elf,” the U.S. Postal Service and Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma and its production of “A Christmas Carol” is now airing on Hulu.
Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma and the U.S. Postal Service teamed up to create a special memory for an Oklahoma family last year after Robert Jamieson mailed a letter to Santa a request on behalf of his dad.
The Jamieson’s story is highlighted on a new episode of “Dear Santa” – season 2, episode 5, which recently aired on ABC stations and can be streamed on Hulu. The show depicts real letters that children have written and mailed through the Postal Service. “Dear Santa, my father has been very sick in cancer and has been through many treatments.
He has been in and out of the hospital and I don’t want a present for Christmas. I just want my father to be better and even go to a play or a show with him. Thank you,” reads the letter from Robert J.
shown in the episode. To answer his letter, the “elf” who pulled the wish together, Delanie Brewer, worked with Lyric to arrange that the Jamiesons’ attendance at a production of “A Christmas Carol” at Lyric’s Plaza Theatre in Oklahoma City. Robert and his dad had roles in the production itself, dressed in full costume.
The theater and the show are featured prominently in the Hulu show. “Theater is a powerful tool for bringing people together, especially at the holidays, and I think there is no greater illustratio.