
Femi Akintunde- Johnson Today the 27th day of July, 2024 is the day set aside to serenade and celebrate one of Nigeria’s brightest stars in the giddy firmaments of nocturnal entertainment. Though he turned 80 exactly two months ago, on Children’s Day (27 May), the man friends, associates and admirers call ‘The Guv’nor’, Ken-Calebs Omo Olumese will luxuriate deservedly amongst the cooing pleasure of niftily selected guests somewhere within the aquatic splendour of the Lekki Peninsula. As he was wont to holler, at the height of his nightclubbing glory.

..”People! It’s time to boogaloo!” Quite remarkably, for a man whose deep dalliance with the Nigerian media has stretched over four decades, Olumese has never once written a paragraph in celebration of self or expatiation of his enigma.

Today, however, he has succumbed to deep pressures – from children, friends and others – to pen his autobiography, simply titled ‘My NiteShift Coliseum Odyssey’. Fortunately, one has had the privilege of casting more than a cursory look on the over 300 pages of text in the past few weeks, and we can easily confess that Olumese is an enthralling story teller of a lifetime rich and steep in diverse twists, turns and tumbles of life that can be escalated to a blockbuster cinematic release. As an aside, we are informed that the book also has over 50 colour pages which must be replete with vintage pictures – recollect that during its glory days, Niteshift had a professional sti.

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