
Nutritionist Shweta Shah has revealed that Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif eats two proper meals a day. This two meals a day diet pattern is the secret behind the 41 year old actor's age defying beauty and physique. Switching to a two-meals-a-day pattern can be a game-changer for weight loss .

By focusing on two nutrient-dense meals, you give your body ample time to digest and burn calories efficiently. This approach often leads to reduced calorie intake without feeling deprived, as each meal can be satisfying and well-balanced. Plus, fewer meals mean fewer opportunities for mindless snacking.

It encourages mindfulness about what you eat and when, promoting healthier food choices. Combined with regular exercise, this pattern can help shed excess pounds and improve overall metabolic health, making it a sustainable option for achieving weight loss goals. The Tiger 3 actor never eats outside and always has home made food.

She even carries her own food wherever she goes. In an interview with yoga trainer Shhlloka, the nutritionist revealed that Katrina’s fine with eating the same kind of food. To balance her body's nature Katrina consumes black raisins, fennel seeds, and consumes ash gourd juice.

Amla juice and mint coriander are her substitutes. Individuals with this body type typically have a moderate metabolism and are prone to muscular development. They often exhibit strong digestion and energy levels, but may be susceptible to imbalances such as acidity or inflammation when under stress.

Pitas benefit from activities that promote cooling and relaxation, such as yoga or swimming. A balanced diet that includes cooling foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains, while moderating spicy or acidic foods, helps maintain harmony and well-being for the Pitta body type. Apart from a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, Katrina indulges in self care practices like oil pulling, nasal cleaning and shatpavali, which is the practice of walking for 100 steps after every meal.


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