
Between 2014 and 2023 Nova Scotia has, on average, added seven days of above-freezing temperatures each winter due to climate change, according to a new study released Monday evening by U.S.-based climate science organization Climate Central.

The study compared observed temperatures in winter months (December to February) to a theoretical world where carbon dioxide pollution had not been released into the atmosphere and caused climate change. "In Canada's Maritime regions, winter is changing," said climate scientist Kristina Dahl. Out of Canadian provinces and territories, the study shows that Nova Scotia and P.

E.I. both had the most above zero days added to winters due to climate change.

That's because the region typically has a milder climate with more temperatures that hover around freezing, said Dahl, who is vice-president of science with Climate Central. "So it doesn't take a whole lot of climate change in order to kick ourselves into a state where there are more days with temperatures above freezing." Terry Thibodeau has lived in the Municipality of the District of Clare for four decades and said the Climate Central findings line up with what he's seen in the region.

"The ponds don't freeze up as they used to," said Thibodeau, who's also the renewable energy and climate change coordinator for the Municipality of the District of Digby. "If they do freeze ..

. they don't stay frozen for long." He added that ice fishing was common on some lakes in his area, but he doesn't s.

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