
This is so embarrassing. Kamala Harris really cannot speak off the cuff without rambling incoherently. No wonder she won't do impromptu interviews, even with a friendly press.

JUST IN: Kamala Harris goes on very confusing rant, repeats herself multiple times while talking about “democracy.” Not a good look when everyone on X is calling you a drunk. Kamala, who didn’t get any votes in the Democrat primary, was lecturing a Pennsylvania crowd about.

.. pic.

twitter.com/404ai0JcIR The post continues: Kamala, who didn’t get any votes in the Democrat primary, was lecturing a Pennsylvania crowd about “democracy.” “And that's what our election is about.

Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy.” “As a democracy, we know there's a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact.

What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, and their freedom, incredibly strong and incredibly fragile.” This sounds vaguely familiar to the rambling explanation of 'democracy' she gave in Madison that we told you about the other day. Kamala really likes that word 'duality.

' Surely they didn’t actually write “duality” into her script 😂 Not a chance. This is her speaking extemporaneously. This is why they won’t let her speak.

Because it's bad. She's toast without a teleprompter! Absolutely. Keep allowing Kamala to talk.

The more people get to know her the more they dislike Kamala Between now and the election, the more people see of unscripted Kamala, the less they'll like her. If Kamala Harris doesn't have a Teleprompter in front of her, she doesn't know what to say. She nervously laughs.

That nervous laughter is her tell that she's uncomfortable and unprepared. She’s basically Micheal Scott pic.twitter.

com/WjLg0Httmh Basically yes. The Michael Scott candidate. The concerning thing here is Kamala's fundamental misunderstanding of democracy.

Democracy doesn't protect people's rights and liberties. Democracy (rule by the many) empowers majorities to deny rights & liberties to minorities. Constitutions are what protect minorities against.

.. https://t.

co/qrIYEUMOUy The entire post reads: This is correct. It is disqualifying. An Idiot she was, an Idiot she is, and an Idiot she'll remain.

https://t.co/QDmteusfa0 At least she's consistent. No wonder they won’t let her do interviews.

This woman would be out of her depth in a parking lot puddle. https://t.co/Dw0kwjsGo9.

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