
A new accessible and revitalised garden has been reopened at Hayward Hospital. It comes as a fundraising appeal by Nottingham Hospitals charity reaches the £1 million mark, with aims to further fundraise until they achieve £1.5 million.

Thanks to money donated by the local community, work has been completed on the Hayward House garden to make it more accessible for patients and visitors, allowing them time and space away from the wards. The garden has been fitted with new pathways for wheelchair users and beds for people who were previously unable to access the garden who now can. The garden was officially reopened on Tuesday, September 10, by the Lord Mayor of Nottingham , Councillor Carole McCulloch, who was also joined by the staff of Hayward House for the grand reopening of the garden.

The money from the £1.5 million fundraising campaign will also be used in a variety of other ways, including funding ongoing services, support for patients, additional nursing posts, counselling as well as a new front entrance for the unit aiming to make the house more welcoming to patients and visitors. The fundraiser set up in spring 2022 will continue to raise funds until spring 2025 raising money for palliative care units at Nottingham hospitals.

Nigel Gregory, chief executive of Nottingham Hospitals Charity, said: “We are extremely grateful to all those who have donated to the Hayward House Appeal so far, to help make our vision for this garden a reality. This is just one part of our plans to support the Hayward House redevelopment, to make this a very special place for all the families and patients coming through the doors.” Hayward House, is a home away from home for patients with terminal illnesses, including those at the end of their lives, with the aim to ensure specialist care by staff trained in palliative care.

The centre, at City Hospital , treats more than 1,000 patients each year, with outpatient clinics, inpatient units and a special day therapy unit. Colette Farley, whose mother was treated at Hayward House said: “My mum received such loving care at Hayward House – the staff there make it a beautiful place, and it’s wonderful to know that patients now have better access to the equally beautiful garden area.” For more information about the Hayward House Appeal, or to make a donation, please visit the following website to support them: www.


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