
You’d think meeting the friends would be a little less stressful than meeting the family, but you’d be wrong. Noah admits to being legitimately nervous about meeting Joanne’s friends over brunch, and he already knows one of them! There was nothing to worry about, since Ashley already loves him and Ryan and Charles are immediately onboard because Noah does things like ask the restaurant for a phone charger and get a positive response and talks shit on whoever they want to talk shit on. He wins them over with ease.

Joanne is a different story. It would be awesome if Nobody Wants This gave Joanne the upper hand in the relationship at least once, but it seems not to be. It’s not that Noah’s friends don’t like her — they actually think she’s great when she comes to one of Noah’s basketball games (yes, his team is named the Matzah Ballers).

But their wives? Their wives are under strict orders from Esther to hate Joanne no matter what. They are all friends with Rebecca, and they are standing by her side even if, you know, it’s more complicated than that, and Noah is a grown man who has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to be with Rebecca, et cetera. When Joanne tries to greet all the WAGs (wives and girlfriends of athletes, like Victoria Beckham .

.. and no one else that Joanne knows about), Esther doesn’t even want the other women talking to her, and they all leave — and force their husbands to leave, too.

Yeah, Joanne is neurotic and claims this whole thing .

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