Nita Ambani was recently spotted in Bengaluru, delighting fans as she stepped out of a local shop. A video captured by a fan showed the philanthropist and businesswoman graciously greeting people with folded hands and a warm smile - which has become her trademark style now. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ambani Family (@ambani_update) Nita visited Bengaluru’s renowned luxury saree store, The House of Angadi , celebrated for its heritage Angadi drapes.
The word “angadi” originates from Kannada, meaning “store” or “shop,” and the label is particularly famous for its exquisite craftsmanship. It rose to prominence when Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone donned a brocade silk Kanjeevaram sari handcrafted by their artisans—a masterpiece that reportedly took 45 days to complete. The official page of the saree brand took to Instagram to thank Mrs.
Ambani for their gracious visit. The story post read, "Thank you Mrs. Ambani for your warmth and patronage.
" The store also shared a handwritten note by Mrs. Ambani, which read, "Wonderful to be here and experience our Indian heritage." For her saree shopping outing, Nita Ambani opted for a navy blue floral co-ord ensemble that exuded understated elegance.
Her outfit consisted of a blouse and matching trousers, both adorned with delicate white floral embroidery. The blouse featured a collared neckline, full-length sleeves with buttoned cuffs, front button closures, and a curved high-low hem. The matching trouse.