
Nightmares, fainting and 'Ozempic face'. What happened during my month on a weight loss jab isn't for wimps - but oh joy you lose weight like a 20-year-old, says NADINE DORRIES By Nadine Dorries, Daily Mail Published: 01:30, 27 July 2024 | Updated: 01:35, 27 July 2024 e-mail View comments Over the past two years, I have received four telephone calls from my GP that I would rather have done without. The first was when I was 65, still Culture Secretary and sat in the back of a ministerial car on my way to a meeting.

My doctor was blunt and to the point: 'You are pre-diabetic, it's not the best result, though you are only just in the pre-zone.' Her advice was to lose weight as soon as possible — 'at least 12lb' — and to alter my diet. This took me by surprise as I would have described myself as a fairly healthy eater.

I rarely ate red meat, avoided ultra-processed food and cooked from scratch when I was at home. But I knew that standing at not much over 5ft tall and weighing 11st 3lb, things weren't right. The truth is, I had never fully shed the baby weight from 30 years ago and the bathroom scales tended to swing up and down.

My wardrobe was full of clothes I couldn't fit into, and I cringed at photographs of myself. But how on earth was I going to lose weight when I barely had control of my own diary or diet? I worked extremely long hours, in a high-stress job. I lived most of the week away from home and ate on the hoof, sometimes late at night and often takeaway hot food.

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