
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Anthony Chatmon II is a star in the Broadway comedy "The Play That Goes Wrong." Anthony Chatmon II Anthony Chatmon II is a Los Angeles native who is currently starring in the role of Trevor in the Broadway production of “The Play That Goes Wrong,” a hilarious laugh out production that evokes a Monty Phyton style humor. Below, Anthony shares with Forbes what he most loves about New York.

Where do you live in NYC? I live in Hamilton Heights right next to City College. It’s a beautiful part of upper Manhattan that is quiet and well kept! My building is actually on the Alexander Hamilton Estate. His house is preserved and is at the end of my block.

When they sing “It’s quiet uptown” from Hamilton, they are talking about where I live haha. What is your favorite neighborhood in NYC and why? I really love SoHo! I love all of the cobblestone streets. It’s so cute and makes me feel so fancy.

Ha. There are often photographers and videographers in the middle of the busy streets creating content. It just bustles with excitement, from cute shops to trendy restaurants.

Definitely where I would like to live someday. Can you share some of your favorite spots in a Theater District and what makes them so great? I’m not sure if this is technically the Theater District, but it’s close, I really love Bryant Park. It’s such a cute escape from the concrete jungle.

There are often cool pop up shops and performances. Something to do at all times of the year. The best place for a pre-or post-theater meal and why.

What are the dishes to order at the restaurants you frequent in the Theater District? My favorite restaurant is on Restaurant Row- Bareburger. It’s so delicious. I am such a burger head, I love both meat, chicken and plant based patties and Bareburger has them all and they are yummy.

I often build my own burger. It makes it a little more pricey but you can get it just the way you like! They also have a great happy hour that I don’t think many people take advantage of. Best Theater District watering hole and the drink to get? I love, also on restaurant row, Hold Fast.

It’s just a quaint spot with a great food menu, but solid post show drinks. I often find cast members from other Broadway shows there. It’s a really fun atmosphere.

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render(randId); }); })(); Insider tips for enjoying a Broadway show. Anything to make the experience better? It takes me a little bit to catch on to shows honestly, ha. So sometimes I like to do a little research on the shows and writers.

Especially if the show is based on a movie or a historical figure. This really helps me to better understand the writer's intent with the piece. The New York City theater you love to go to and why? I really love the Lyric Theater on 42nd street.

It’s currently where Harry Potter is. I think it is so big and pretty. I am a sucker for a large theater.

Often, and understandably so, NYC theaters are a little smaller in size compared to their regional or touring house counterparts. Maybe I am also biased because the show that currently resides in that theater is also so magical. I truly feel like I am transported in time.

What other Broadway shows are on your radar right now? It’s pretty difficult seeing shows while in one in NYC. I still need to see the Outsiders, Water for Elephants, Stereophonic - these are also all shows that I auditioned for. So maybe that might have added to the delay lol.

Share your insider New York gems. I have been recently Citi biking a lot around the city. I think it’s the perfect way to get around Manhattan and really get to see how the city changes.

I think we often spend so much time underground and really miss the opportunities to see how it all connects. Can you share your favorite theaters around the world and why? I haven’t seen much theater outside of the US. But I have experienced much in the US.

I am a little biased though, I am a Los Angeles native and there’s nothing like seeing a show at the Pantages theater. It’s where the Academy Awards were presented in the 1950’s. I grew up seeing theater there, that’s where I fell in love.

I was fortunate enough to be able to perform there 10 years ago on the national tour of The Book of Mormon..

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