Lynchburg Police Chief Ryan Zuidema describes design of main lobby to new police headquarters building on Odd Fellows Road. When the Lynchburg Police Department moves into its new $50 million headquarters on Odd Fellows Road in a few months, officers and other staff members will have a spacious new building that will allow them to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. Inside the LPD’s current cramped headquarters in downtown Lynchburg, old jail cells are used to store police equipment and evidence gathered in criminal investigations.
An evidence storage room at the new Lynchburg Police Department headquarters. The storage rooms at the new headquarters, which is set to open in February, will have modern vertical file shelves capable of storing large amounts of materials with the simple turn of a wheel on the side of the shelves. Evidence will be stored in large, temperature-controlled rooms.
The main Public Safety Building and the old church nearby on Court Street, the two buildings where the LPD is currently headquartered, “are woefully inadequate to do police work,” Lynchburg Police Chief Ryan Zuidema said in an interview with The News & Advance. The police department moved into the basement of the Public Safety Building in 1972. The church was remodeled to house part of the police department in 1997.
Locker rooms at the new Lynchburg Police Department headquarters on Odd Fellows Road on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024. Paige Dingler, The News & Advance Zuidema said.