
MONTANA - A new statewide Montana poll is showing that Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Tim Sheehy is leading over incumbent Democratic senator Jon Tester.

According to the poll of 538 registered voters, 50.8% of respondents said they would vote for Republican Tim Sheehy with 44.7% showing support for Jon Tester.

The poll showed 3.8% said they were undecided. Poll conducted August 10 shows Tim Sheehy has a slight lead over incumbent Jon Tester.

Sheehy’s favorable ratings are 49.8% while Tester’s stand at 44.7.

The majority of voters also sided with Sheehy when asked which candidate would better handle three major issues facing Montanans. In regard to the economy and inflation, 50.6% of the voters polled said Sheehy would do a better job compared to 42.

1% for Tester. Poll conducted on August 10 shows Tim Sheehy in the lead on Montana's economy. In terms of immigration, 56.

2% of voters said Sheehy would do a better job compared to Tester at 39%. The last issue polled was abortion, with Sheehy garnering 45.3% to Tester at 42.

9%. Poll conducted on August 10 shows the polled Montanans favor Tim Sheehy's stance on abortion. The poll was commissioned by NonStop Local and conducted by American Pulse Research and Polling between August 10 and August 12.

The poll has a margin of error +/- 4.2%..

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