
Every Wednesday night at Ryman’s Nellie Melba Retirement Village in Wheelers Hill, Sin Fong Chan can be found in the gym, teaching tai chi and chi gong to his fellow residents. The former software developer uses technology in his weekly classes, with lessons streamed through the gym’s TV screen. “I record people’s movements so it’s easy for them to check and practice,” he says.

You’d never guess that the active, community-minded 73-year-old is legally blind, or that he’s recuperating from open-heart surgery. But he’s determined to enjoy every moment of his ‘third age,’ and eager to help others do the same. “I’m always very positive,” he says.

“As long as I am still talking and thinking, I am still alive!” Ryman Healthcare is a favourite for its continuum of care model, which offers independent living, assisted living and low and high care — plus dementia care, providing reassurance that the future’s covered if circumstances change. Credit: Ryman Healthcare After an active life and high-level career culminating in university lecturing, Sin Fong and his wife Angeline had chosen Nellie Melba village as a home for their ‘third act.’ “It was time to enjoy the rewards of hard work,” he says.

“In 2022 we’d put up our house for sale, ready to move in. But one week later, I had an excruciating pain in my back.” Doctors told Sin Fong that without major surgery for his failing aorta, he might only have days to live.

He had the operation immediately. Afterwards, “I needed 24/7 care, and I couldn’t help with the house. It was very stressful for my wife.

Then Nellie Melba told us we could come two weeks earlier than planned. It was such a big relief.” Welcome home When Sin Fong arrived at Nellie Melba village, he received a welcome he says he will never forget.

“The manager gave me a big hug,” he says. “She said: ‘it’s OK. We’re here to look after you now.

’” He and Angeline had chosen a Ryman village for its continuum of care model, which offers independent living, assisted living and low and high care, plus dementia care, providing reassurance that the future’s covered if circumstances change. And, as Sin Fong discovered, circumstances do change. Just weeks after he’d moved in, he experienced a sudden vision impairment.

It was another blow at a time when he’d hoped to be enjoying the wide range of activities at Nellie Melba village. “I’d wanted to try line dancing, ballroom dancing. I’d been enjoying the village’s outings to the shops and shows.

” Instead, he decided to try Nellie Melba’s Saturday morning tai chi classes, to rebuild his strength. He loved the sessions, but unfortunately, couldn’t see the teacher well enough. “I worried that I could be a danger to myself and others,” he says.

Still, Sin Fong refused to give up on his new passion. Using his technology know-how, he turned to online lessons, using the big TV screen in the spacious and safe village gym. When other residents expressed interest, he invited them to join, and his Wednesday classes are now a popular activity in the packed Nellie Melba line-up.

Sin Fong is feeling stronger every day. He and Angeline live in an independent apartment, with the confidence that care is at hand when they need it. And while his health setbacks were an unexpected obstacle, with the support of Nellie Melba’s team, he’s enjoying his third act every bit as much as he’d hoped to.

He’s used his Chinese calligraphy skills to write a beautiful blackboard menu in the restaurant – “I can remember how to write well from memory,” he says – and a digital noticeboard for the village. He’s a keen participant in the Armchair Travel Group. Sin Fong is excited about the future, too.

“My mind hasn’t stopped working and thinking. I still have a lot of plans in mind. I always want to share knowledge to help people.

” And with the secure foundation of the Nellie Melba community and staff, he’s confident it’s all possible. “Making our home here was an even better decision than I realised,” he says. Find out more about Ryman’s thriving communities now at rymanhealthcare.

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