
A new law passed by the Danish Parliament aims to reduce the country’s packaging waste and make recycling easier. Denmark is one of the EU’s largest producers of household-like waste per capita.Under the new law, companies will take financial responsibility for collecting and recycling the packaging they distribute.

This marks a shift from the current [...

] A new law passed by the Danish Parliament aims to reduce the country’s packaging waste and make recycling easier. Denmark is one of the EU’s largest producers of household-like waste per capita.Under the new law, companies will take financial responsibility for collecting and recycling the packaging they distribute.

This marks a shift from the current [...

] A new analysis from EjendomDanmark reveals that nearly 18% of commercial property valuations in Denmark are set too high, leading to an overvaluation of 6.4 billion DKK. EjendomDanmark, the national trade association representing property owners and managers in Denmark, conducted a study to examine the accuracy of property valuations used to calculate taxes.

The analysis compared [...

] In 2023, many people in Denmark, especially in Jutland, saw their incomes fall when adjusted for inflation, despite the fact they formally earn more. A new study by the Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd (Workers’ Movement Business Council) shows that in 79 municipalities, the typical person had an income increase that was lower than inflation. This trend was [.

..] A new flood ri.

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