
On a caravan holiday, Shane Robins has plans to visit beauty spots, but going to the beach has been all-but impossible. Mr Robins uses a wheelchair and said being left on the prom while his family enjoys the seaside has felt "frustrating" and "degrading". Now, a mobile hoist has been installed in Denbighshire's seaside resort of Rhyl, allowing wheelchair uses to be transferred into a specialised beach wheelchair.

"It makes you feel included. I like to go out and live life to the full and do what I can. I want to encourage people to get out there," said Mr Robins, from Gloucestershire.

The hoist has been donated to a watersports centre on the seafront by a company that specialises in accessible holiday accommodation. Steve Welsh, from Holistic Thinking Holidays, which has two adapted caravans in the area, said he believed the whole holiday experience should be inclusive. "It's going to make a phenomenal difference.

"It means a family can spend the whole of their holiday together. Why shouldn't a wheelchair user have the same possibility?" Jodie Gibbs from PRK Watersports said the company has had a specialist beach wheelchair available for free hire in Rhyl shop for a few years, but until now they could not be accessed by people who could not transfer from their own chairs without support. "So many people come here and aren't able to go on the beach, it's unfair.

.. so it's great to have that accessibility for them as well now," she said.

It's thought the facility is one of the first in the Wales, available to the public, though there are now hopes for more in other seaside towns. Mr Robins, who has a Facebook page to information about accessible places, said the hoist would make all the difference to him and other disabled people He said that with assistance, the beach wheelchair also allowed access into the water, something he has only been able to try previously in Spain. "This should be on every beach - definitely," he added.


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