Netflix has dropped the trailer for the second season of XO, Kitty, which is set to hit the streaming giant in the new year. The show is a spin-off from Netflix's popular To All The Boys franchise and focuses on Kitty Song Covey, Lara Jean's sister. In the debut season, Kitty moves to Seoul, Korea , to be with her long-distance boyfriend Dae and attends the same high school her late mother did.
However, she finds herself grappling with her love life as she develops feelings for the popular Yuri towards the end of the series. Anna Cathcart, who plays Kitty, said the show is "really about Kitty learning that love can look a lot of different ways and that it's not something that you necessarily can figure out super easily." Netflix's latest 'disappointing' crime thriller has made it to the top 10 amid criticism Netflix fans spot 'huge plot hole' in No Good Deed - and it's driving them mad After the first series ended with Kitty seeing Yuri with his new girlfriend, the trailer for the second season shows that despite her lingering feelings for Yuri, Kitty is ready to navigate the dating world and "finally discover who my mum really was," according to the Manchester Evening News.
In an unexpected twist, Peter Kavinsky from To All The Boys makes a surprise appearance in Seoul to see Kitty. In the trailer, Peter tells Kitty: "You are Kitty Song freakin' Covey. Don't you forget it" before giving her a hug.
One fan shared their excitement on X (formerly known as Twitter), writing: "PE.