
Lovemore Dube ASHLEY Ndebele has become the second Bulawayo boy to break into the Dynamos technical team. Dynamos recently hired Joel Luphahla a former Highlanders and Zimbabwe Saints player to be Lloyd Chigowe’s assistant. He became the second coach from Bulawayo to sit on the Dynamos bench after Trevor Carelse-Juul in the early 1980s.

Ndebele is now the tactical and performance analyst and his role includes pre-game overviews, opposition analysis, in-game and set plays analysis. “Dynamos is the biggest football brand in the country. Who would not want serve it when given a chance? It is quite a great honour to be working for this great club with a rich history and legacy,” said Ndebele.

Ndebele is also tasked with giving comprehensive post-match reports to the head coach and timely data and intelligence in next opponents. “What is good is that we use GPS vests too as per the requirements of modern scientific football trends all in the name of ensuring more detail and purposeful attractive displays,” said Ndebele a former with experience in the entertainment and tourism industry. He played for Shabanie Mine.

He has a football scout certification, Professional Football Scout Level 2, Analysis in Football certificate and is undertaking a certificate in football tactical analysis course as an upgrade of his Scottish C Licence. Dynamos should be commended for choosing to go the right way technically. There is now a lot of behind the scenes work being done to aid modern day coaches.

Ndebele’s first assignment was a similar role at Bikita Minerals early this year and he has previously coached lower division football in Dete, Hwange district. His passion has always been to unlock key performance indicators. “I developed a desire to unpack the mysteries behind performance fluctuations like physical, mental, tactical, technical, pre-game, in game, post-game attributes analysis.

I have also learnt the value of dissecting performance individually, sectional, collectively for my team and also oppositional overviews as well,” he said. About his past in coach he said: “I have coached Hotspur FC from Dete Division 2 to Division 1, I also had the luxury of being assistant coach at Makomo under head coach Tapela Ngwenya at Binga Pirates l initially was assistant to coach Witness Munkuli before taking over as head coach after he moved on to Caps United “Binga was an eye opener and really was special and the people showed me lots of love and support, most importantly the exposure to the talent ridden Binga District, home to many superstars. My prayer is for teams to go build links with Binga District to enjoy the amazing talent that is abundant there,” he said.


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