More than P672 million worth of allegedly fake Louis Vuitton fashion products were seized by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) from shops in Metro Manila and Bulacan. In a statement, the NBI said the "fake" Louis Vuitton products were confiscated by operatives of the NBI-Intellectual Property Rights Division (IPRD) during operations conducted last Dec. 7.
“The said operation resulted in the seizure of more or less 4,784 pieces of counterfeit Louis Vuitton products with an estimated value of P672,216,094.95,” it said. NBI Director Judge Jaime B.
Santiago commended the NBI-IPRD “for the enforcement action taken to stop the proliferation and distribution of counterfeit products.” “The operation stemmed on the complaint filed by Louis Vuitton representative as regards to the increasing number of fake products bearing Louis Vuitton trademark,” the NBI said. Acting on the complaint, the NBI-IPRD secured search warrants for trademark infringement under Republic Act No.
8239, the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. With the search warrants, NBI-IPRD operatives raided eight shops in Bulacan and in the cities of Mandaluyong, Valenzuela, and Manila..