CHICAGO , July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A recent national survey by Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) reports that among parents' top concerns for their children's health is their mental health, but less than 20% of parents indicated awareness of all the mental health resources and services schools provide to support children's mental health and well-being. The Parent and Child Mental Health Survey asked more than 1,000 parents and caregivers from across the country what worries them most about their children's health and what would help resolve those concerns. The survey was designed to understand parents' perceptions of safe and supportive school environments and schools' role in providing support and resources for youth mental health.
Key findings from the survey include: Parent Concerns 76% of parents surveyed worried about their child spending too much time on a computer, television, or tablet. 70% of parents surveyed worried about a student or another individual bringing a weapon to school. 67% of parents surveyed were concerned about their child struggling with their mental health.
Mental Health Less than 20% of parents surveyed were aware of all the mental health resources and services schools provide to support children's mental health and well-being. About 40% had limited to no awareness of the types of resources and services their child's school offers. 63% of parents surveyed are supportive of schools providing training for parents and caregivers to better understand.