
I am deeply honoured to have been invited to the Kunene region to officiate this historic occasion, marking the inauguration of the Khorixas Vocational Training Centre (KVTC) here in the beautiful town of Khorixas. Allow me, from the onset, to pay tribute to the late Nickey Iyambo, the first vice president of our country, and my predecessor, who visited Khorixas many years ago, and heard the cry of the community for assistance. During the visit, at a town hall meeting, the community of Khorixas, including the youth, elders and women, made a concerted plea for economic upliftment, stating that the town was dying after several government ministries were moved to Opuwo, the regional capital of Kunene.

Iyambo asked himself what he could do to respond to the plea and consulted widely until the idea of reviving the old Braunfels Agricultural High School into this new Khorixas Vocational Training Centre took root. He tabled this to our late president Hage Geingob and the Cabinet, and they endorsed it with much enthusiasm. Itah Kandjii-Murangi, who is with us here today and was also part of that historic visit, will attest how Iyambo tasked her to ensure that the necessary was made available and that everything possible was done to make this VTC a reality.

In this regard, we also thank King Justus //Garoeb and his traditional leaders, who gave their full support for the establishment of the VTC at Khorixas. Therefore, in honour of the blessed memory of Iyambo, and may his beautiful soul rest in peace, I will now ask that we all rise for a minute of silence. The inauguration of this centre is a clear testimony to our government’s unwavering commitment and resolve to construct vocational training centres (VTCs) in all 14 regions of Namibia.

The government, through the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, in collaboration with the Namibia Training Authority (NTA), has developed a comprehensive technical and vocational education and training transformation and expansion strategy (TVET-TES) aimed at broadening access to technical and vocational training services countrywide. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the global workforce will increase to 3,5 billion people by 2030. However, it is expected that there will be an undersupply of up to 40 million highly skilled workers with a projected surplus of 90 million low- and medium-skilled workers who do not have any tertiary qualifications.

We believe by providing practical training that is aligned with industry needs we are ensuring that every Namibian has access to quality vocational training that equips them with the relevant skill for today’s job market. This initiative will empower our youth to become job creators rather than mere jobseekers. In line with Vision 2030, we aspire to transform Namibia into a knowledge-based economy.

The Khorixas Vocational Training Centre embodies this vision by offering programmes that promote innovation and entrepreneurship among our youth. We envision a future where every Namibian has access to quality vocational training that empowers them to realise their full potential. While government initiatives are crucial, I urge private institutions to join hands with the government through collaboration, including internships and job placements for graduates from the KVTC.

Such a partnership will ensure that we meet the diverse needs of our economy while providing ample opportunities for our young people. As we know, Namibia is rich in potential; our natural resources, cultural heritage, and industrious people are assets that can propel us forward as a nation. Furthermore, our country has entered a new and exciting phase of development with the emerging green hydrogen as well as oil and gas sectors offering tremendous potential for transforming our economy, and catapulting our developmental aspirations into an era of untold success.

Thus, the Khorixas VTC will serve as a gateway for many young individuals seeking to empower themselves through education to participate in the emerging industries. I am informed that the Khorixas VTC offers a national vocational certificate in bricklaying and plastering, joinery and cabinet making, plumbing and pipe fitting, air-conditioning and refrigeration, and these programmes were carefully selected based on local industry needs and community input. I urge all members of the Kunene community – parents, guardians, and young people – to seize this opportunity presented by the Khorixas Vocational Training Centre.

This is your chance to gain valuable skills that will enhance your employability or enable you to start your own business. Take advantage of this facility designed specifically for you! Let us build a future in which every young person has access to quality education and can contribute meaningfully to their communities. At this juncture, I would like to express my gratitude to all the stakeholders who played a role in making this vision a reality, including government officials, captains of industry, community leaders and educators.

Let us celebrate this historic occasion as we embark on a new chapter in vocational education in the Kunene region, building a prosperous future for all Namibians through education and skill development. With these remarks, it is now my distinct honour to declare the Khorixas Vocational Training Centre officially inaugurated. May God almighty protect and bless the people of Khorixas.

Long live the people of the Kunene region. Long live the Republic of Namibia..

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