
We all go through a GAS phase in our photography. GAS stands for "gear acquisition syndrome," and for many of you out there, it can turn into a real problem. I’ve heard many accounts that people don’t share this type of information with the ones closest to them.

I’m not someone who typically focuses heavily on gear, but I also realized I do have quite a bit of it to make the content that I do, and it was time to get it off my chest just how GASsy I really am. In this fun and lighthearted video, which might have been a mistake in retrospect, I task my partner with trying to guess what she thinks each piece of gear I own is valued at, which doesn’t seem so bad until you realize the most expensive thing she has ever bought herself was a . Just wait until she finds out I want the new .

Do you have a GAS problem? Have you been through this, and if so, how did it go? Alex Armitage has traveled the world to photograph and film some of the most beautiful places it has to offer. No matter the location, perfecting it's presentation to those absent in the moment is always the goal; hopefully to transmute the feeling of being there into a visual medium..

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