File photo of a worried man Dear GhanaWeb, I’ve been in a relationship with this woman for four years. I loved her deeply and genuinely. I believed she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
During this time, I supported her in many ways. I paid her university fees, provided extra money for her to start a business, and helped support her family financially. Due to my work as a businessman, I travel a lot, and I couldn’t always be around to provide her with everything she wanted.
But I trusted that if she were working on her own business, she would be able to manage her own needs. However, a few months after I gave her money for her business, she told me that she had used it for her mother’s medication, leaving her without any funds. I didn’t question her, as I know her parents are struggling, and I’ve been supporting them as well.
I was even planning to propose to her, but an emergency work meeting took me out of town. After I returned, I rented an apartment for her parents and paid the rent for two years, which expires in November this year. I also provided weekly allowances for her and continued supporting her and her family.
But despite all this, she didn’t love me the way I loved her. She became pregnant by another man, not once, but twice. If I had been around more, I know she would have tried to pin the pregnancies on me.
Thankfully, my work travels kept me away for months at a time. When she found herself pregnant by this other man, she cho.