
A pregnant woman took to the internet for answers after her ex dubbed her ' unreasonable' for stipulating that 'certain gifts aren't welcome' at her baby shower. In a post on mumsnet.com, which included a poll, the mommy-to-be explained that there is 'a hereditary allergy' in her family for 'a very common ingredient in a lot of baby and new mum products' and that they all 'suffer from sensitive skin and can react to sensitive skin products .

' Her ex says she's being 'demanding' for requesting certain brands of toiletries to be given as gifts during the shower, but she feels otherwise, insisting that it is a completely reasonable request to make. The responses on the forum were split, with some agreeing with her and others finding the request 'presumptuous and rude.' The mother explained on the forum that she planned to 'politely add to invites to only buy certain brands' and that she would 'hate for people to waste money' or 'suffer' from her allergy.

Her ex doubted the validity of her allergy, accusing her of exaggerating and that 'he's sure the reactions won't be that bad,' which some users echoed in the comments. Users were split on their opinions about the mother-to-be's predicament. Some felt strongly about it not being a big deal while others chastized the woman for even expecting gifts in the first place.

One commenter expressed their feelings about the obligation for people to buy gifts for baby showers at all: 'This is yet another tacky and commercial thing people fe.

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