
From live music nights at much-loved bar Clarks to moments of inspiration in the Botanic Gardens, Be Charlotte shares her favourite things about Dundee. A hardworking, passionate and creative city. We wear our heart on our sleeve here and aren’t afraid to speak up for what we believe in.

I moved away from Dundee for a few years to live in Glasgow and then Berlin but I never quite felt at home anywhere else. It took being away from Scotland and Dundee in particular, to realise there’s no place else I’d like to be (which is cheesy I know but true). I’d recommend staying in the city for a night or two and also exploring some other areas nearby.

beach is one of the best ever. People might not think of Dundee as a beach holiday destination but here and if the weather’s right you can feel like you’re in Costa Del Sol! I haven’t stayed in that many hotels here but did get the chance to stay at the when as I didn’t live in Scotland at the time. It’s a lovely hotel and definitely recommended if you’re looking for a bit of a boujee option.

And as a musician I’ve stayed in many a Travelodge and Premier Inn over the years – we have those here too and a good option if looking for something super central! I guess some of the most memorable nights out are the hardest to remember! I did the whole clubbing thing when I was younger and had many a fun night but these days I prefer a much more chilled vibe. Good tunes and good atmosphere is top of my list. One of my favourite nights out in Dundee used to be going to , they had lots of live music evenings so the place was always filled with lots of singers and musicians.

There was always a great atmosphere and that was the place I first met so many people who’ve continued to support me and my music. I’m so glad to see again and can’t wait to get back down there for a sing-song soon. The majority of songs I’ve written over the last 10+ years were written in Dundee.

I’ve been fortunate enough to collaborate with lots of amazing writers and producers over the years and visit lots of cool studios all over the world, but the inspiration seems to strike the most for me when I’m in Dundee. I love to take some inspiration from the outdoors, spent many a day walking along the waterfront in or along the beach at and . Another beautiful spot in the city that I love is the , I’ve written quite a few songs there and it’s just so peaceful and picturesque.

So I have a bit of a confession – it’s very uncharacteristic for a musician but I don’t drink coffee and never have! I’m sure that’ll change one day but for now unfortunately a Lucozade seems to have enough caffeine in it to keep me awake all night. However I do love a hot chocolate and I very much love to support any independent shops or businesses in the city. I definitely recommend checking out , and .

Also, there’s a brilliant community cafe in the centre of Dundee run by , and they serve a range of drinks and snacks starting at just £1. It’s across from the Overgate and based in Meadowside St Paul’s, and every penny goes back in to the charity which helps the people of Dundee. One of my goals this year was to find a better balance between work and my personal life so I’ve been really trying to make sure I spend as much time as possible with those closest to me.

For years, I was just so focused on music that I wouldn’t really be able to enjoy what was going on around me but I feel like I’m getting better at that. It’s been a really busy year so far which I’m feeling very grateful for. As well as my own music I also work as a freelance music practitioner, running workshops predominantly in schools around Dundee and Angus, and also teaching guitar.

It’s something I’ve always been passionate about doing and I absolutely love being able to help and encourage more young people into writing or performing music. I’ve just released which has felt like such a big weight off my shoulders. I’m so delighted with how well the album has been received.

It has been a surreal couple of months to be honest. There were some points when making the record I wasn’t sure anyone was ever going to hear it but I’m really glad I didn’t let the self doubt win and we got there eventually! I’ve been really enjoying sharing all of these new songs from the album with the world so there’s lots more to come with those this year. I am so I’m in the process of making some DIY music videos to accompany the new music.

Making and editing music videos is something I’ve been trying to develop my skills in over the past few years, it started out of necessity and no budget but has turned into something I really enjoy. I’m also working on some headline gigs that I can hopefully announce soon. I can’t wait to get back on stage again soon.


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