On Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary, actor Sidhant Gupta, who will soon portray the iconic leader in Nikkhil Advani’s upcoming series Freedom at Midnight, shared a heartfelt tribute. As part of his tribute, Sidhant Gupta penned a beautiful poem along with a series of rare photographs capturing Nehru’s various facets—standing alongside Mahatma Gandhi, sharing a tender moment with a child, and holding a red rose, his signature accessory that symbolized his spirit and ideals. For Sidhant, playing Nehru is a deeply meaningful experience, especially after the success of Jubilee.
Director Nikkhil Advani, who has praised Sidhant as the perfect choice for the role, revealed that he was always the first choice for the part. Sidhant, too, shared that embodying Nehru has profoundly moved him, describing it as an honor to bring such an influential figure to life. In tribute to Nehru, Sidhant shared his own poetic words, capturing his admiration and respect for the leader.
A post shared by Sidhant (@sidhant) Embracing this symbol of Nehru’s legacy, Sidhant has also worn a red rose during the series’ promotions, a thoughtful gesture to honor the essence of the leader he portrays. Produced by Emmay Entertainment’s Monisha Advani and Madhu Bhojwani, in association with StudioNext, Freedom at Midnight is directed by Nikkhil Advani and based on the acclaimed book by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. The series delves into the pivotal moments of India’s struggle f.