
A 94-YEAR-OLD built a shed to house his huge bizarre collection worth £3,000 - of teddy bears. Dennis Addelsberg, a granddad from Lancashire, proves that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing passions and creating something truly unique. At the ripe old age of 93, Dennis began building a shed from scratch to house his incredible collection of 1,000 teddy bears.

A lifelong collector of die-cast toy cars and planes, Dennis recently found a new love for teddy bears. He said: “Somebody has put an awful lot of effort into making these [teddies] and I think they’re masterpieces.” His collection, meticulously gathered from charity shops, includes fluffy bears, pottery bears, door stops, and pictures, all of which he estimates to be worth around £3,000.

Dennis began constructing it a year ago, utilising old conservatory roofing donated by his daughter, Gill, for the roof. He built the shelves, fencing, and decorated the exterior with artificial flowers from B&M. Dennis proudly completed “99 per cent” of the work himself, with only a small helping hand for installing a double-glazed window.

Despite entering his shed into the 'unexpected/unique' category for Shed of the Year 2024, Dennis didn’t make the final shortlist. Yet, his enthusiasm remains undimmed. He said: “It’s entirely different - no one has one of these.

” Dennis enjoys spending time in his cosy, bear-filled haven, where he often eats dinner and even takes the occasional nap. The shed itself is more than just a storage space; it’s a well-equipped sanctuary. It boasts a TV unit, lighting, a heater, and a brand-new blue carpet.

Dennis’s attention to detail extends beyond his teddy bears to the very structure that houses them. He added: “I’ve written a book about the teddies coming to life at night with a little song to go with it for children,” demonstrating his boundless creativity and love for his collection. Dennis’s garden, stretching 60ft long, provided the perfect spot for his shed.

He said: “I have a big tree at the back that has to come down but I thought I’d make the space. The garden is about 60ft long so I thought I’d put a little seat in there and it developed into a fencing area and suddenly I was making a shed.” His father’s advice from years ago, “never start a job if you can’t do it properly,” clearly resonates with him to this day.

Key Considerations for Building a Shed Without Planning Permission: Size and Area Limits: - The shed must occupy less than 50 percent of the total area of your property. - The total floor area of the shed must not exceed 15m2. - In restricted areas (Conservation Areas or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty), the maximum floor area is 10m2.

Height Restrictions: - The maximum height of the shed's eaves is 2.5 metres. - The total building height can be up to 3 metres.

- For sheds with a dual-pitched roof, the total height can be up to 4 metres. Proximity to Boundaries: - If the shed is within 2 metres of the property boundary, the maximum height must not exceed 2.5 metres.

Placement Next to Neighbour’s Fence: - You can build a shed next to a neighbour’s fence if it complies with permitted development rules, particularly the height restriction within 2 metres of the boundary. - Consider the potential impact on your neighbour, such as blocking light or view and the risk of damp damage to the fence. - It's advisable to consult with your neighbour before proceeding.

For Dennis, the value of his collection isn’t about the money. It’s the craftsmanship and the stories behind each bear that captivate him. He said: “I study them all when I buy them and I’m fascinated with the engineering.

” Dennis’s story is a beautiful reminder that it’s never too late to follow your heart and create something extraordinary. His shed stands as a testament to the magic that one man can create with a bit of imagination and a lot of love. Meanwhile, It seems Dennis isn't the only one with an impressive collection.

Chocolates rather than teddies - a sweet-toothed collector has shared pictures of his retro chocolate bars that are no longer available - including Spice Girls and Westlife varieties from the 1990s. Elsewhere, whilst collectors like Dennis are committed to keeping their incredible possessions, others are ready to sell up. A grandma who spent decades acquiring her bizarre collection is now ready to clean up.

She's set to flog off the entire collection at an auction, sharing how she did it..

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