
When I saw the #watermelonmustard trend on TikTok (4,673 posts as of this writing), I had to try it. I'm a mustard devotee — I put it on potatoes, pizza, eggs, you name it. It's my go-to condiment, and I've even made homemade mustard.

Plus, I eat tons of fruit and love . Going into this, I was skeptical. Could I really have missed a magical pairing of my favorite foods? It seemed too good to be true, but , maybe watermelon and mustard isn't that far-fetched.

I squeezed some yellow mustard onto a plate, and dove in with high hopes. The flavors were ..

. not harmonious. It tasted like a glob of mustard with nothing to soak up the flavor.

It was cloyingly tangy, acidic, and overwhelmingly salty — strange against the watery texture of the watermelon. I'm used to mustard being balanced by heavy foods like potatoes, but here, there was no relief. Still, I took another bite, hoping for a different outcome.

Again, the mustard overpowered and clashed with the watermelon instead of blending. Maybe it was the amount of mustard I used (I didn't hold back), or maybe it was the watermelon itself, which wasn't the best. However, I wasn't ready to throw in the mustard-stained napkin just yet.

With thousands talking about this trend, there had to be something to it. I decided to test different mustard flavors to see if I could find a winning combo. Testing different mustard varieties on watermelon Let's get straight to it: every mustard flavor I tried tasted better with watermelon than bas.

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